Violent shaking and object misalignment


While printing some objects, the printer seems to shake violently depending on how thick or thin some parts are. Last night I just wanted to make a small clip mount and at the end of the second layer the machine was shaking very bad.

So bad in fact, it made the entire object move several mm’s to the right of the object, as you can see in the picture:

I am very certain the object itself hasn’t moved, not has the mirror.

My first possible conclusion is that due to the force of the shaking, the entire x carriage simply overshoots.

Can anyone explain what has happened or give some advice to tackle this problem?

I not sure but I think when printing infill with honey comb, printer is shaking and heavy filament roll also shaking and everything with it and it makes Z to go slightly up and down so crash can happen.
Looks like you have still solid infill going and wit small craters.
If there are “craters” somewhere, they really make extruder to crash and then X or Y is lost…

Try to put speed down or to use 0.16-0.18 infill to avoid shaking so much.
Maybe solid infill to 120% depending of other settings of course…
Just try…

Hello djBo,

what firmware are you using? Vibrations might trigger an endstop, resulting in loosing steps.
V2 of the Marlin firmware resolves this problem. So if you’re still on V1, an upgrade might solve your problem.

Just search the forum for similarities.


I’ve just noticed this issue myself. While moving around the entire bed will just suddenly move REALLY fast way off course and cause everything to shift over. I’ve only really noticed the issue while trying to print round things though (things that might activate both X and Y axis at once). I just did some testing by making the bed move around as violently as possible in only one direction (put a bunch of random coordinates in at max feedrate) and nothing, the bed is rock solid with no missed steps.

To me it doesn’t seem like missed steps, that would mean the bed tries to move but can’t / doesn’t. This is more that it moves EXTREMELY fast, and off course. As if it’s ignoring the acceleration parameters for a single move. It only ever happens in the X axis too. I’ve never had an issue with the Y axis doing anything strange and the only other times the Z or extruder have missed steps was because of a mechanical jam.

I’m inclined to think it might either be a communications issue between the printer and the PC, or perhaps a damaged PCB.

The USB cable I’m using has no ferrite beads on it so I’ll try one that does and see if it cuts out any interference.
Also going to try printing something that doesn’t work from the SD card to eliminate the PC all together.
The PCB and stepper drivers are cooled by a fan so I doubt it’s an overheating issue.

Originally I thought it might be the big heavy piece of glass I’m using (4.4mm thick) but I’m almost certain it’s also done it without the glass on (also the manual violent moves don’t reproduce the error).

The worse part is, the objects won’t always do it. I’ve so far managed to print THREE of the same item that had initially caused the printer to skip. So it’s not exactly an easily repeatable error in my case.