Vibration/Resonance at 45 degrees

So, I’ve had my printer for about 6 months now and I love it.

There has always been what I thought was a bit excessive vibration when the bed is moving at 45 degrees but I put up with it as it didn’t have a significant affect on prints. I’ve just upgraded the X-axis to GT2 belt with 22 Tooth pulleys and the vibration is even worse and it sounds horrific! I thought with the motors turning at different speeds (Y is still the 5mm pitch belt) that resonance would be reduced. Each axis moves nice and smoothly, individually. The vibration seems to be concentrated on the Y-Axis carriage and bed.

Maybe it’s something to do with being able to get better belt tension with the upgrade? Nothing appears to be loose.
Perhaps an issue with the Y motor?

Has anyone come across this and can point me in a rough direction of where to go with it?