Vibration dampers

Great noise reduction by using vibration dampers under the printer feet!

Thanks to

Thank you for sharing.

I will add my Foot-Mod to this Thread.
When i made it, there were no other Dampers on Thingiverse which fit the K8200 Feet.
But since i reduced my acceleration to 900mm/s² the feet don’t make that big of a difference than used with a high acceleration.

[quote=“cantax”]Thank you for sharing.

I will add my Foot-Mod to this Thread.
When i made it, there were no other Dampers on Thingiverse which fit the K8200 Feet.
But since i reduced my acceleration to 900mm/s² the feet don’t make that big of a difference than used with a high acceleration.[/quote]
Really nice work!
I just made and mounted them.
They fit like a glove and the printer is now almost quiet, compared to before!



Thx for sharing, Im printing them right now, 2 at time, will be finished in 2 hours…

Printed them in Crystal Flex, this is a fantastic improvement to the printer. Thanks a lot.

Christal flex? Whats that? Do you have a link? Is it compatible with a standard k8200? I guess is a soft and elastic material right?

Here you go:
I print this stuff at 235°C with a bedtemp of 85°C
It is actually not that soft, rather flexible like nylon. It is easier to print than nylon because of a lower fusiontemperature and no warping.
Beware it is not transparent but translucent.

My K8200 only bears the name, it has been modified with a E3D V5 .4 nozzle, new Z-axis and a Megatronics V2 board.