Vertex stopped while printing

ayant repris mes impressions après quelques mois d’inactivité, l’imprimante stoppe brutalement après 1 à 2 heures d’impression.

si elle est connectée au PC : j’ai un reboot du PC inopiné
Si elle en mode autonome ( carte SD) , elle reboote comme si il y avait eu une coupure secteur. cela m’est arrivé 3 fois de suite sur une journée…

merci pour retours d’expérience.

Not sure if Google translate got your entire message correct, but if the Vertex stops printing in the middle of a job, that’s usually due to:

  • a) damaged g-code, such as an incorrect or incomplete written file (can happen - for example - if the SD card isn’t correctly ejected from the system)

  • b) a dip in the network power, I installed a UPS to feed my 2 printers for the same reason.

If it’s none of the above, it could be a heat issue with the main board - but since you haven’t had this issue before your break from 3D printing, that would be unexpected. Besides, you’d probably notice something like that.

Hope this helps?

Hi Harry,

Many thanks for your reply.

Since my last topic i tried again to print for 2 hours printing only. before i have checked the male power plug on the female socket of the printer and this plug was not completely insert in the socket… in fact the male plug doesnt tighten tightly in the female socket.

I hope it was the cause of my issue and this confirm your suggestion. of course it will be better to install an UPS…

thanks again


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