Vertex k8400 - shuts down when try to print

When I press print from sd card, the head goes to autohome position, extruder heats up and when reach temperature it tries to print, sometimes put first layer and then shuts down, restart etc.

Sometimes after reaching the printing temperature, it tries to move to the centre of the bed and suddenly shuts down.

Is it problem with steppers or maybe something else?

Do you see something abnormally on the mainboard?

Could post some pictures of the printer aand/or a movie?


Sounds like all of the gcode did not get copied to the SD card.
After you slice it do you save it to your hard drive and then copy it to the card?
I have found that works best for me.

Hi thank you for response. I tried to copy g-code from hard drive to sd card but no success.
I made two videos showing the problem with the printer:
It keeps restarting, or freeze in random moements.
If I finally get to the step where it start printing it happens.

I spent lots of time trying to fix it and it still not working properly.

Are you experiencing a lot static electricity shocks in your house?

We’ve had a couple of cases where static electricity was causing troubles.

Have you tried printing in an another room? Preferably without carpet :slight_smile:

Just above the knob there is a reset button.
Check it to make sure it is in the center of the hole and not being pressed from vibration or the pressure from the control knob.
It looks like when you press it that the reset button is being triggered.

I also noticed that you are printing at 200C
For PLA 190C is better you can set this in the Cura configuration.
In the Cura configuration you should also change the Retraction Distance to 4mm Retraction Speed to 110mm
This is a good starting point.

Hello mater,

I had a look on the clips you provided and found a detail which was unfamiliar to me.

In the second clip you switch on the power for the printer, the ambient light for the LCD is switched on, but the LCD shows two stripes, which remains stable until you press the LCD button.

This is a complete different situation with respect to my printer behaviour: after power on the vellemann logo is automatically started and the info screen on the LCD appears without user interaction. This was the case from the very beginning, even with the buggy Vellemann firmware V1.4.

This behavior can have several reasons:

  • one is hardware related, which means, that the Power-on reset of the controller is not properly working
  • it can be that the firmware was not properly installed,
  • or the boot loader, which is installed on the board, is somehow damaged.

In any case, I would preferentially check for a proper power-up routine, since I assume, that the problem which delays the booting will most probably cause your problems with printing too.

Good luck.

Hi guys thank you for all reasponses and suggestions.

I tried the electrostatic theory first - it was fake solution (it worked but then problem came back, so i was searching for solution).

Then I checked the reset button above the knob (it was pressed agaist the acrylic and locked in pressed posiotion), I loosed the bolts holding screen to the acrylic panel and reset button popped out,
Since then looks like everything is working without any problem.

Thank you again.

Glad to hear you’re up and printing.

That is a tricky one, and hard to find…


He is printing from an SD card.