Hello all,
This time about the software, I used “Vertex delta Repetier” from the beginning because I thought this really belonged to the K8800. However, recently I had made a design in which a number of lines were always not printed, half or half not, sometimes at different heights and sometimes not. Tried to solve it, but couldn’t. That made me look at another slice program. I then installed “Ultimaker Cura 5.1.0”. Also suitable for the K8800, it was found directly on my PC and included in it. Well that’s a nice program, even with “Darkmode”, you can really set everything in it!!! This one had the same problem, but if you hover over an option with your mouse cursor you get a fantastic explanation!!! This allowed me to quickly find the cause and correct it! After this it turned out that there was so much to set and quickly reset to default, really fine. Then after test prints it turned out that the prints were printed faster, came out much neater, came out stronger and much less extruder waste to be removed. So I’m completely over and using only this program from now on, or are there other and even better slice programs?
A foto of a test with Esun Grye Mat PLA andBasic Filament PLA left with the Ultimaker, Right Repetier.
The other is a Tower 215 to 190° Basic Filament PLA.
Hope that this will help you to make nice products.
Kind regards,