Velleman K8090, 64bit DLL

I’m looking for a 64bit DLL for the Vellemann K/VM8090.

I also tried to communicate via serial port with vbdotnet, but I failed.
Turn on/off with the Demo-App works fine. I also get some traffic-information.

The crazy thing is: after opening the serial interface in vbdotnet I don’t get any traffic infos in the demo tool (and vbdotnet also) anymore. But I need this relais-status-infos (51h).

But even though no more data is sent from the card, I can still turn relays on and off.

This is my “code”.

    myComPort = New SerialPort("COM3") With {
        .BaudRate = 19200,
        .DataBits = 8,
        .Parity = Parity.None,
        .StopBits = 1,
        .Handshake = Handshake.None,
        .ReadBufferSize = 1024,
        .WriteBufferSize = 1024}


Cheers Roland