I got from a friend this kit K8060 and I have a little problem…he began to put this kit together and after some time, he stopped…now I have this kit and I have problem with resistors…on the board, there are diodes (D1, D2) and zenerdiode (ZD1)…and now I don’t know the correct order of resistors…which is R1, R2, R3…please, some help will be good…
Thank you for your reply, but, I have no great experience with reading resistor table that you have posted…I have the manual, but I’m looking in it and nothing…I can’t understand which is R1…need some more help…
Just read more carefuly; on page 4 of the manual, it says that all axial components are taped in the correct mounting sequence. Which means, that the top resistor is R1, the second R2 etc. and the bottom is the last resistor.
And for the check, on page 5, there are three numbers and a B in the paragraphs next to the resistor values. These numbers represent the values of coloured stripes on the resistor; each number has its colour. The table of this is shown in Wrong Way’s last link.
Everything is explained - you read the stripes in such order that the gold or silver stripe is on your right. So the first colour on the left is the first value of the resistor written in the paragraph (B represents the gold stripe).
So for example: if you have in the paragraph 3-3-0-B, that means that the colours on the resistor are orange, orange, black (and gold, but don’t mind about that one).
Electron, thank you for reply…but…as I said, I got this kit from a friend, and he started with connection, when I got the resistor, diodes and zenerdiode are already been mounted…so, now I don’t know the correct mounting sequence…I have tried to read colours from a table, but I don’t understand…
Will you be good to me and show on my picture which resistor is R1…please…
I don’t know what’s so hard…look: black means 0, brown is 1, red 2, orange 3, yellow 4, green 5, blue 6, purple 7, grey 8 and white 9.
So you just look at the resistor: if it has for example brown, black, red (and gold, but that’s not important; important is, that the gold is the last, not the first stripe), it means that its code is 1-0-2-B.