Velleman K8055 Kit

Hey guys,

I purchased this kit with intentions of using it to do the following:

I am wanting to build a race track timing system using this device. My idea consist of making a Tree the ones you see at race track. I will be using Garage door sensors for the triggers if possible. How it would work is garage sensor 1-5 or so. Beam one is broken it lights up pre-stage, Second on is broken it lights up staged light. Then it begans a count down to green light. Once the green light hits it start a timer until the final beam is broken which causes the timer to stop and display time on screen? I don’t know how to write this program to be able to do this and wondering if anyone can steer me in right direction. Once the final beam is reached you need an ability to reset it. This would be for lanes so.

Thanks Dereck.

Anyone have some insight on this? I know VB basic somewhat just dont know how to access this board with it

Please see this thread: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=5790
There is some example code, but the case is different anyhow.