Velleman HPG1mk2 (1MHz Pocket Function Generator)

Dear sir/madam,

Greetings from the Philippines!

We would like to clarify the Frequency Accuracy Specs of Velleman HPG1mk2 1MHz Pocket Function Generator.

Frequency Range: from 1 Hz to 1,000,000 Hz (± 0.01 %)

Is the “± 0.01 %” in terms of “% of Span” or “% of Reading”?

Example 1:
Frequency = 100,000 Hz
Tolerance (% of Span) = ± 100 Hz
Tolerance (% of Reading) = ± 10 Hz

Example 2:
Frequency = 500,000 Hz
Tolerance (% of Span) = ± 100 Hz
Tolerance (% of Reading) = ± 50 Hz


Appreciate your immediate assistance.

Best Regards,


This is the % of reading

Best Regards


Thanks for your assistance.
Have a nice day!

Best Regards,

Dear sir/madam,

We would like to know if the Velleman HPG1mk2 1Mhz Pocket Function Generator requires calibration? Our newly purchase HPG1mk2 has no “Certificate of Calibration” when we received. The unit comes only with “Declaration of Conformity”.

If the unit requires calibration, what is the recommended calibration interval?

Have a nice day!

Best Regards,

Hi Leo,

The HPG1mk2 doesn’t need calibration.
The accuracy remains according the specifications.
Just a note this is a generator targeted for the hobbyist, it isn’t designed for professional use.