Velleman codelock K6400


I bought the velleman codelock K6400 a few weeks ago and started this week to build it. Now i have finished it, it wont work.
At first, i am no electricien, i am a dummy. When i connect the 12v and the ground, you hear the relais clicking when i push button 3 and button 4 of the code. When i look to the building pictures what are not very usefull, i hoop i connect everything in good position.
Here are the pictures that i made. I hope someone can help me.

As far as we can see D2, D3 and D4 have been mounted the wrong way round.

Thank you for this quick respons, i am goiing to fix this and then reply here if it works.


i just changed D2,D3 and D4. I plugged in the + and - wire on the battery and now i have no response of the codelock. The battery is full. What can i do to check?

Most likely there are more assembly problems.
If you can provide hi-res and sharp pics of the soldering side of your assembly, then we can take a look.

I just found out i didn’t connect the NO jumper under the relay for the open contact. i am goiing to fix this now and take a new test.

Nope still no functional working and no reaction. whats the exact function of the red led?

Some pads seem not to be soldered at all. You will need to properly (re)solder the pads marked in red.

Sorry, the solder job looks very bad.
Most likely this is at the cause of troubles.
We’d recommend to redo and inspect each solder joint.
Make sure solder flows correctly without heating too long.
If necessary, you can practice with some dummy components.

Hello VEL417, im quite new on this site so i dont understand how to send you direct msg, i was wondering why does my velleman kit K4600 codelock switches relay on and off on the first key pressed which is in my case “4” my full password should have been 4-5-7-6 but reacts on the first key 4 and there is not point of pressing rest of them.
Thanks in advance,
