I’ve bought the PCS500 PC oscilloscope some years ago. Most unfortunately, however, I somehow managed to loose the Velleman Supplement CD. Until now, this has never been a problem since the most current version of PCLab2000 is available in the internet anyway.
However, I want to write my own software application to control the PCS500 device. For this reason, I need to take a look at the low-level descritpions of the communication protocol. As I found somewhere else in this forum, the documents I’m looking for are named “PCS500_operation.pdf”, “Using the printer port.pdf” and “PCS500-9a_cir.pdf”.
Could anyone please send me these documents to “ferrymax -at- yahoo -dot- com” (or post a link to a download location)? If there are other documents or maybe code examples on how to use the PCS500 available on the CD, please also include them in the mail.
Thanks a lot in advance,
best regards,