Velleman advise please!

I have been printing stuff for over more then 1.5 years now with some issues but all were solvable.
I had some really nice prints untill about 3 months ago.

Now I cannot get one sigle print out of the machine that has no shifts on X or Y plane.
This was never before an issue!! Issues I had were about the nozzlle so I see no direct link.
Steppmotors were regulated to 0.55V
Belt tension is normal, printbed can move freely when detached from motors, there is no mechanical friction. Linear bearings=checked and ok.
Beltpulleys are ok and fixed propperly.
Bearings of belt return bracket were worn out and changed by new.
Acceleration and jerk were adapted en the Eprom settings.
Travelspeed of non print moves is set to 100mm/s.
All microships have additional cooling.
Nozzle and bed-level are checked and ok.

I use repetier 95f and slice3R

The layer shifting happens not at a particular place or height, and are random on X and Y planes…
I print mainly large parts up to 190mm height, taking from 16 up to 40hrs to finish.
Last 4 complete rolls of PLA were useless prints!!

Please advise!

I don’t know if it will help, but I’ve not been printing as long as you but just reciently I’ve had a few X or Y shifts in prints that I hadent had since turning the voltage upto 0.55V. I turned out to be that I would manualy prime the nozzle around the middle of one side of the table (X 0, Y100) then move to the home postion where the start code would home and prime the nozzle again. This left a thin strand of filament between the two pools. If one of the pools came loose and fell off the bed this cought on one of the belts and was dragged into the pulley causing a shift. I how remove both pools with long nosed pliers at the start of the print and haven’t had a porblem since. I only found this by chance as I was watching as it happened.

I’ve had that long after building the printer : it was a broken wire in one of the flat cables (intermittent contact). I changed the cable and everything works fine now.

Well it its not the cable. This was changed about 14 days ago…
Is velleman on easter holiday, cause I would really like some expert advise on this matter…

Just a guess,

Is your power supply dipping a little?
Not enough to cause a brown out but maybe enough to mess with the motors.

This might be going out there a little.
If your room is very warm maybe the drivers are heating a skipping steps.
You may want to mount a fan on the control board.

Also Power supply was changed.
But now I have a succesfull print.
I am guessing that Slic3r was the main problem, first tryout with Cura gives a very satisfying result!


We have here the same problem. Serious random-shift occurs after printing for 4 to 7 hours. This is very frustrating… A move to cura helped, but does not solved the problem completely. We expect software problems due to traffic over USB. Problems seems to appear less on faster PC. We monitoring all traffic over USB now. We have also the capability to pause the printer and than continue, thereby adding manually special layers if we wish. All is experimental software. We still tracing this problem until we find it…

We expect overheating of the steppers…
Drivers are now set to 5.15 Volt…
Working now very well. First job of 6 hours printing successfully finished without hassles.
This is for us a new record !.