Hello all people…
I improve the programs writed in FreeBasic and VB6(no .NET).
Single FreeBasic Program Improved.
Look this capture…
Code source.
'Compilar asì, es un ejemplo de como compilarlo.
'fbc -s gui HPS40_Binary.bas
Declare Sub Graphing()
Declare Sub Sample1()
Declare Sub Sample2()
Declare Sub Change_Wait()
Declare Sub Menu()
Declare Sub Set_XY()
Declare Sub ClippingArea()
Declare Sub RevertScreen()
Dim Shared buffer1(200) As UByte
Dim Shared buffer2(200) As UByte
Dim i As Integer
Dim Shared As Single v1, v2, v3, v4, v5 ', v6
'''Set to Size Scale Small Grafic
'v1 = -600 : v2 = 7.5 : v3 = 1 : v4 = 1200 : v5 = 7.5 '''Normal
'v1 = -100 : v2 = 6.5 : v3 = 2 : v4 = 1100 : v5 = 6.5 '''Small
v1 = 60 : v2 = 2 : v3 = 1 : v4 = 450 : v5 = 2 '''Tiny
screenres 640,480,8,2
Color 15
'''Sub Rutines
Sub Menu()
Dim c As String
Color 15
Erase buffer1,buffer2
Locate 1, 25 :Print : Color 11
Locate 2, 25 :Print "Test Input SERIAL From HPS40" : Color 15
Locate 3, 25 :Print "----------------------------"
Locate 4, 25 :Print "| I-V Curve Plotter Menu |"
Locate 5, 25 :Print "----------------------------"
Locate 6, 31 :Print "1 to Take Sample"
Locate 7, 31 :Print "2 to Graph Scale"
Locate 8, 31 :Print "3 to Exit"
Locate 9, 25 :Print
'Locate 9, 20 :Input "Enter Your Choice: ", choice
'If choice = 1 Then Sample1()
''''Define clipping area
''''Revert to screen coordinates & Remove the clipping area
c = Inkey$
If c = "1" Then Sample1()
If c = "2" Then Set_XY()
If c = "3" Then End
'If i = "?" Then help()
Loop 'Until choice = 2 : End
'Loop Until Inkey = "q" : End 'Chr(27) : End
End Sub
'''OPEN COM PORT One first samples
Sub Sample1()
OPEN Com ("COM1:57600,N,8,1,CD,CS,DS,OP,BIN") FOR Binary AS #1
Get #1,,buffer1() 'Read the port as a file, place the characters in "buffer()"
'For i = 15 To 115
'Var1 = buffer1(i) '- 128 '* -1
'Print buffer1(i),
'Print Var1 '* -1
'Next i
Close #1
End Sub
'''Wait for Change Test Leads
Sub Change_Wait()
Color 12
Locate 11, 25 :Print "Change Test Leads "
Sleep 3000
Locate 12, 25 :Print "Take Sample2 "
Sleep 1000
End Sub
'''OPEN COM PORT One second samples
Sub Sample2()
OPEN Com ("COM1:57600,N,8,1,CD,CS,DS,OP,BIN") FOR Binary AS #2
Get #2,,buffer2() 'Read the port as a file, place the characters in "buffer()"
'For i = 15 To 115
'Var2 = buffer2(i) '- 128 '* -1
'Print buffer2(i),
'Print Var2 '* -1
'Next i
Close #2
End Sub
'''Graph Sample1 and Sample2
Sub Graphing()
Dim As Integer i
Dim As Single x1, y1 , x, y
Color 2 '11 '2
'screenset 0,0
''''Define clipping area
FOR i = 15 TO 115 '
x1 = buffer1(i) 'Var1
y1 = buffer2(i) 'Var2
'''Con Variables, para mejor configuración.
x = v1 + (v2 * x1) / v3
y = v4 - (v5 * y1) '/ v6
If i = 15 or i > 115 Then
Line -(x,y) '''Grafica los Datos
End If
'''Find out which data was not on the screen
'If (x<0) Or (x>640) Or (y<0) Or (y>480) Then Print i, x, y
''''Revert to screen coordinates & Remove the clipping area
Color 12
Locate 11, 25 :Print "Ending Graph "
Locate 12, 25 :Print " "
Color 15
Locate 11, 25 :Print " "
Locate 12, 25 :Print " "
End Sub
Sub Set_XY()
Dim s As String
Color 12
Locate 9, 25 :Print "Select Number 4, 5, 6 "
Color 10
Locate 10, 25 :Print "4 Size Scale Tiny Grafic "
Locate 11, 25 :Print "5 Size Scale Small Grafic "
Locate 12, 25 :Print "6 Size Scale Normal Grafic "
s = Inkey$
If s = "4" Then v1 = 60 : v2 = 2 : v3 = 1 : v4 = 450 : v5 = 2 : Exit Do
If s = "5" Then v1 = -120 : v2 = 6.5 : v3 = 2 : v4 = 1000 : v5 = 6.5 : Exit Do
If s = "6" Then v1 = -700 : v2 = 7.5 : v3 = 1 : v4 = 1100 : v5 = 7.5 : Exit Do
Locate 9, 25 :Print " "
Locate 10,25 :Print " "
Locate 11,25 :Print " "
Locate 12,25 :Print " "
End Sub
Sub ClippingArea()
Dim As Integer x, y
'''Define clipping area
Line (14,100)-(625,470),17,bf
View (18,105)-(620,465)
'''Estas son las lineas dentro del box. Donde se muestra el Gráfico.
For y = 1 To 565 Step 50
Line (1, y)-(600, y), 17
Next y
For x = 1 To 795 Step 50
Line (x, 1)-(x, 350), 17
Next x
'''Linea vertical y tramos horizontales peq.
' Line (300, 1)-(300, 350), 3,bf
' For y = 1 To 475 Step 50 '0.5
' Line (295, y)-(305, y), 3
' Next y
'''Linea horizontal y tramos verticales peq.
' Line (1,150)-(600,150), 3,bf
' For x = 1 To 795 Step 50 '0.5
' Line (x, 145)-(x, 155), 3
' Next x
End Sub
Sub RevertScreen()
'''Revert to screen coordinates
'''Remove the clipping area
View Screen
End Sub
New FreeBasic Program. I was Inspired by Mr. Turd program.
Look this capture…
Code source.
Dim As Integer x, y, buttons, i, ii, Blue1, Blue2, Red1, Red2, Green1, Green2, graphpos, scale
'dim as double
Dim As String s, text, filename, logtime, temp, device_name, Blues, Reds, Greens
Declare Sub checkport(filenumber As Integer, delay As Double)
Declare Sub bttn(x As Integer, y As Integer, s As String)
Declare Sub buttonup(x As Integer, y As Integer, s As Integer)
Declare Sub buttondown(x As Integer, y As Integer, s As Integer)
Declare Sub inbox(x As Integer, y As Integer, w As Integer, h As Integer)
Declare Sub clearbox(x As Integer, y As Integer)
Declare Sub label(x As Integer, y As Integer, s As String)
declare function sliderh(x as integer, y as integer, w as integer) as integer
Declare Sub Graphing()
Declare Sub Sample1()
Declare Sub Sample2()
Declare Sub Change_Wait()
Declare Sub ClippingArea()
Declare Sub RevertScreen()
Dim Shared buffer1(200) As UByte
Dim Shared buffer2(200) As UByte
Dim Shared As Single v1, v2, v3, v4, v5 ', v6
screenres 800,600 '800,335
Color 25,19 ' 0, 15 '
'Color 0,15 '<----
bttn (555, 14, "START") 'Button #1
bttn (619, 14, "STOP") 'Button #2
bttn (675, 14, "CLEAR") 'Button #3
bttn (739, 14, "EXIT") 'Button #4
'inbox (51, 14, 163, 26) 'In/Out box #1 Graph Scale
'inbox (275, 14, 51, 26) 'In/Out box #2
'Locate 4, 37: Color 0,15: Print "mins"
inbox (403, 14, 131, 26) 'In/Out box #3 '''Device Name
Locate 4, 52: Color 25,19 '0,15
Print "/dev/ttyS0"
device_name = "/dev/ttyS0"
Print "Ver_COM1" '''Aqui coloca etiqueta en el BOX
device_name = "COM1"
Print "COM1"
device_name = "COM1"
i = sliderh (55, 14, 35) 'Slider #1
scale = 1
'''Set to Size Scale Tiny Grafic
'v1 = -600 : v2 = 7.5 : v3 = 1 : v4 = 1200 : v5 = 7.5
v1 = 100 : v2 = 2 : v3 = 1 : v4 = 450 : v5 = 2
'''Este es el Box donde se muestran los gráficos.
inbox (11, 100, 771, 485) 'In/Out box #4 Graph View
label (11, 16, "Graph") 'Label #1
label (11, 32, "Scale") 'Label #2
'label (235, 16, "LOG") 'Label #3
'label (235, 32, "TIME") 'Label #4
label (347, 16, "DEVICE") 'Label #5
label (347, 32, "NAME") 'Label #6
''''Define clipping area
''''Revert to screen coordinates & Remove the clipping area
Do While buttons < 1
getmouse (x, y, , buttons)
locate 1, 1: color 4, 19: print using "###:###"; x; y
s = Inkey$
If s = Chr(255) & "k" Or s = Chr(27) Then End
Sleep 10
If x > 555 And x < 609 And y > 14 And y < 44 Then
buttondown (558, 43, 50)
' if device_name = "" then device_name = "/dev/ttyS0"
' shell "stty -F " & device_name & " speed 4800"
' Open Com device_name & ":4800,n,8,1,CD,CS,DS,RS,BIN" For Binary As #2
' #IFDEF __FB_WIN32__
' if device_name = "" then device_name = "COM1"
' 'Open Com "COM1:4800,n,8,1,cs0,cd0,ds0,rs" As #2
' 'OPEN Com ("COM1:57600,N,8,1,CD,CS,DS,OP,BIN") FOR Binary AS #2 '''HPS40
' Open Com device_name & ":4800,n,8,1,CD,CS,DS,RS,BIN" For Binary As #2
' if device_name = "" then device_name = "COM1"
' Open Com device_name & ":4800,n,8,1,CD,CS,DS,RS,BIN" For Binary As #2
'''Inicia Captura.
Close #2 : Close #3
Elseif x > 619 And x < 665 And y > 14 And y < 44 Then
buttondown (622, 43, 42)
Elseif x > 675 And x < 729 And y > 14 And y < 44 Then
buttondown (678, 43, 50)
'clearbox (14, 57)
'graphpos = 14
clearbox (12, 100)
inbox (11, 100, 771, 485) '''Redibuja el Box del Graph View
''''Define clipping area
''''Revert to screen coordinates & Remove the clipping area
Close #2 : Close #3
Elseif x > 739 And x < 785 And y > 14 And y < 44 Then
buttondown (742, 43, 42)
Close #2 : Close #3
'''IN/OUT BOXES===================================================
'''Box #1
'''Box #2
'''Box #3
Elseif x > 403 And x < 538 And y > 14 And y < 43 Then
clearbox (406, 17)
Close #2
Locate 4, 52: Color 25,19: Print "_" 'place the curser
device_name = "" 'clear the text variable
Do 'loop until enter or Esc is pressed or the X is clicked
getmouse (x, y, , buttons)
If buttons > 0 And x < 403 Or buttons > 0 And x > 538 Or buttons > 0 And y < 14 Or buttons > 0 And y > 43 Then Exit Do
s = Inkey$ 'get a key press
If s = Chr(255) & "k" Or s = Chr(27) Then End 'end if Esc is pressed or the X is clicked
If s = Chr(13) Then Exit Do 'exit the box if enter is pressed
If s = Chr(8) And Len(device_name) > 0 Then
clearbox (406, 17)
device_name = Left(device_name, Len(device_name) - 1)
Locate 4, 52: Color 25,19: Print device_name & "_"
End If
If s > "" And Len(device_name) < 15 And s <> Chr(8) Then 'allow only 9 characters
clearbox (406, 17)
device_name = device_name + s
Locate 4, 52: Color 25,19: Print device_name & "_"
End If
Sleep 20
clearbox (406, 17)
inbox (403, 14, 131, 26) '''Redibuja el Box del Device Name
Locate 4, 52: Color 25,19: Print device_name
'locate 4, 52: color 0,15: input "", device_name
'''Box #4
Elseif x > 11 And x < 786 And y > 54 And y < 371 Then
'clearbox (14, 57)
'locate 9, 3: color 0,15: print "???"
'End If
'''sliderh #1
Elseif x > 55 and x < 92 and y > 19 and y < 39 then
i = sliderh (55, 14, 35)
scale = 1 + i /1 '1 - i / 1
'locate 1, 1: color 0, 15: print using "###"; scale
locate 4,13: color 4,19: print using "###"; scale 'scale
If scale = 1 Then v1 = 100 : v2 = 2 : v3 = 1 : v4 = 450 : v5 = 2 : locate 5,14: color 4,19: print "Tiny "
If scale = 2 Then v1 = -100 : v2 = 6.5 : v3 = 2 : v4 = 1100 : v5 = 6.5 : locate 5,14: color 4,19: print "Small "
If scale = 3 Then v1 = -600 : v2 = 7.5 : v3 = 1 : v4 = 1200 : v5 = 7.5 : locate 5,14: color 4,19: print "Normal "
End if
Sleep 10
getmouse (x, y, , buttons)
Do While x > 1 And buttons > 0: getmouse (x, y, , buttons): Sleep 10: Loop
buttonup (556,39,50)
buttonup (620,39,42)
buttonup (676,39,50)
buttonup (740,39,42)
Loop '''Final del Do
Sub checkport(filenumber As Integer, delay As Double)
Dim t As Double
t = Timer
While Loc(filenumber) = 0
If Timer - t > delay Then
Exit While
End If
Sleep 1
End Sub
Sub bttn(x As Integer, y As Integer, s As String)
Dim As Integer w
w = Len(s) * 8 + 10
Draw String (x + 8, y + 10), s
Draw "C0 BM" & x & "," & y & "D26 R D R D R" & w & "U R U R U26 L U L U L" & w & "D L D L C7 BM" & x + 1 & "," & y + 1 & "BD26 BR BD BR BD R" & w & "U R U R U26 C0"
End Sub
Sub buttonup(x As Integer, y As Integer, w As Integer)
Draw "C15 BM" & x & "," & y & "U24 R U R U R" & w - 2 & "C7 BM" & x + 2 & "," & y + 4 & "R" & w & "U R U R U26"
End Sub
Sub buttondown(x As Integer, y As Integer, w As Integer)
Draw "C15 BM" & x & "," & y & " R " & w & " U R U R U26 C7 BM" & x - 2 & "," & y - 4 & " U24 R U R U R" & w - 2
End Sub
Sub inbox(x As Integer, y As Integer, w As Integer, h As Integer)
Draw "C0 BM" & x & "," & y & " D" & h & " R D R D R" & w & " U R U R U" & h & " L U L U L" & w & " D L D L C7 BM" & x + 1 & "," & y + 1 & " D" & h - 2 & " R D R D R" & w - 2 & " U R U R U" & h - 2 & " L U L U L" & w - 2 & "D L D"
End Sub
Sub clearbox(x As Integer, y As Integer)
Draw "BM" & x & "," & y & "P19,0 C0" '''Canbia Relleno color con lo que tenga Pn
End Sub
Sub label(x As Integer, y As Integer, s As String)
Draw String (x, y), s, 0 '''Color negro etiqueta
End Sub
'''OPEN COM PORT One first samples
Sub Sample1()
OPEN Com ("COM1:57600,N,8,1,CD,CS,DS,OP,BIN") FOR Binary AS #2
Get #2,,buffer1() 'Read the port as a file, place the characters in "buffer()"
Close #2
End Sub
'''Wait for Change Test Leads
Sub Change_Wait()
Color 12
Locate 11, 40 :Print "Change Test Leads "
Sleep 3000
Locate 12, 40 :Print "Take Sample2 "
Sleep 1000
Locate 11, 40 :Print "Ending Graph "
Locate 12, 40 :Print " "
End Sub
'''OPEN COM PORT One second samples
Sub Sample2()
OPEN Com ("COM1:57600,N,8,1,CD,CS,DS,OP,BIN") FOR Binary AS #3
Get #3,,buffer2() 'Read the port as a file, place the characters in "buffer()"
Close #3
End Sub
'''Graph Sample1 and Sample2
Sub Graphing()
Dim As Integer j
Dim As Single xx1, yy1 , x1, y1
Color 2
'screenset 0,0
'Screen 19
'''Define clipping area
FOR j = 15 TO 115 '
xx1 = buffer1(j) 'Var1
yy1 = buffer2(j) 'Var2
x1 = v1 + (v2 * xx1) / v3
y1 = v4 - (v5 * yy1) '/ v6
If j = 15 or j > 115 Then
Line -(x1,y1) '''Grafica los Datos
End If
'''Revert to screen coordinates & Remove the clipping area
End Sub
Sub ClippingArea()
Dim As Integer x, y
'''Define clipping area
Line (14,100)-(782,585),17,bf
View (18,105)-(778,580)
'''Estas son las lineas dentro del box #4. Donde se muestra el Gráfico.
For y = 1 To 565 Step 50
Line (1, y)-(750, y), 17
Next y
For x = 1 To 795 Step 50
Line (x, 1)-(x, 475), 17
Next x
'''Linea vertical y tramos horizontales peq.
Line (350, 1)-(350, 475), 3,bf
For y = 1 To 500 Step 50 '0.5
Line (335, y)-(365, y), 3
Next y
'''Linea horizontal y tramos verticales peq.
Line (1,200)-(750,200), 3,bf
For x = 1 To 795 Step 50 '0.5
Line (x, 185)-(x, 215), 3
Next x
End Sub
Sub RevertScreen()
'''Revert to screen coordinates
'''Remove the clipping area
View Screen
End Sub
function sliderh(x as integer, y as integer, w as integer) as integer
dim as integer buttons, y1, x1
draw "C0 BM" & x + 0 & "," & y + 3 & " D20 R" & w + 4 & " U20 L" & w + 4 & " C7 BM" & x + 1 & "," & y + 4 & " D18 R" & w + 2 & " U18 L" & w + 2
getmouse (x1, y1, , buttons)
if x1 < x + 10 then x1 = x + 10
draw"C0 BM" & x + 0 & "," & y + 3 & " D20 R" & w + 4 & " U20 L" & w + 4 & " C7 BM" & x + 1 & "," & y + 4 & " D18 R" & w + 2 & " U18 L" & w + 2
if x1 > x + w - 6 then x1 = x + w - 6
draw "BM" & x + 2 & "," & y + 6 & "P19,7"
draw "BM" & x + 2 & "," & y + 6 & "P19,0 C0 BM" & x + 0 & "," & y + 3 & " D20 R" & w + 4 & " U20 L" & w + 4 & " C7 BM" & x + 1 & "," & y + 4 & " D18 R" & w + 2 & " U18 L" & w + 2
circle (x1, y + 13), 8,0
draw "BM" & x1 & "," & y + 13 & "P7,0 C0"
sleep 10
loop while x > 1 and buttons > 0
return 2 * (x1 - x - 10) / (w - 16)
end function
You can use those source code to understand, and make your program…
VB6 and Java in next post…
I hope you can understand…