VB6 example for K8090D.DLL

Have you already any VB6 example to manage K8090D.DLL?
Thank you for your cooperation.


Visual Basic 6 died ten years ago :neutral_face:

Not for me… :frowning:

I still using VB6 like many people. Can you provide us one example for K8090.DLL?
Thank you for your collaboration. :slight_smile:

What compiler do you use? Where did you get the compiler?

I’m using a 32 bits complier. What you mean about where I get it?

Yes, where did you get/buy your compiler? And which compiler are you using.

Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 (SP6). PROFESSIONAL EDITION.
For 32-bit Windows Development

I do not know where was purchased. Belongs to the company that I work.


I think Velleman were a bit mean making the above comment ! I know VB6 is now old hat but so am I.
I use a lot of Velleman USB interface stuff and I wanted to try the VM8090 as it is all on one board, and in this instance I only need 6 relays, so it will do fine. However, If I cannot use it with VB6 (SP6 Professional) then I am going to have to use something else … Any ideas ???

It can be used without a problem in Visual Basic 6.0, but I myself cannot provide an example because of the age of the compiler and incompatibilities with newer versions of Microsoft Visual Studio.

The regular software package for the K8090 contains all documentation about the protocol and the DLL, so that can get you started on writing something in VB6.

I have all interfaces velleman, and all have a example for VB6, except 8090 interface. I’m sure that will be much easier for you to make an example than for me.
Thank you for your effort.

Is there somthing new?
I look for VB6 sample for the VM8090 - 8 CHANNEL USB RELAY CARD
Thank you

No news. There is no answer from the Velleman staff !!!