Using the Velleman K8200 without extruder and heatbed

thank you so much for your help and time! I will try this later and will also post a current update tomorrow.
Have a nice day

You’re welcome.

So yesterday I updated the Software. Didn’t solve the Problem, BUT this morning i finished building the K8200. Everything works fine now. I disabled the Pins from the 2 heater-ports and the motor of the extruder, still fully working.

As soon as i disable one of the 2 connectors, Therm1 and Therm 2 it won’t work… So the velleman just Need to know any temperature?
Is this the problem you thought it would be ? Am I able to solve it by changeing soemthing in the Firmware ?

Thank you for your help !!!

Yep, exactly.

If there is no thermistor connected, resulting in an open circuit, the firmware will read an extremely high temp.
To prevent fire or meltdown there is a max and min temp limit set in the firmware.
If either is exceeded the firmware automatically shuts down.

You can connect a 100kOhm resistor across the THERM pins to fake a standard 100KOhm Thermistor at room temp.

just to be curious : What do you want to use the printer for, if not printing?

