Using the sd-card connected

Hi all, please a question from a newbie:

Looking for and can’t find any information how to copy stl-files from my pc to the usb-connected vertex printer sd-card over the usb-cable.

If i try it with repetier-host with the SD-Card tab, i can see what is on the card, but when i try the “Upload File” the printer starts working on this file, nothing is uploaded to the card.

Printer is installed in a separate room and i want to load some files to his sd-card, then stop my pc and let the printer work alone (without carrying and switching sd-cards all the time)

Is there an option ?

Put the SD card in your computer and copy it to the SD card like any other file.
Put the SD card in the printer and print.

Hello “Wrong Way”,

thank you for your answer, but that is not was i asked for.
Putting the SD-cards in my PC and then into the printer is what i am doing every day, and i do it a lot. I am producing let’s say 3 tecnical parts a day and i have to vary parameters, trying a lot. So at least i switch the SD-Cards approx. 30 times a day.
How long do you think the Sd-slot suffer this ?
And it is annoying running throug my basement so often …

I please looking for a solution to copy stl-files from my pc to the usb-connected vertex printer sd-card over the usb-cable, without carrying and switching sd-cards all the time (as i wrote)

How do this all the other people printing frequently without running a pc all the time ? (and don’t have a Raspi installed …)
By the way i am living with an island system in my house (i produce my on electricity without connection to the grid), so electric consumption is important to me.

Sorry that is the only way I have done it in the past.
Until I put a Raspberry Pi on it.
Now I just control it over WiFi.
I can also watch it on my computer phone and tablet

I’m not sure it can be done even though the software has the ability.


If running a PC really is too expensive or impractical, I would recommend investigating the Octoprint/Octopi route. You can get the new Zero for £5 (I use an older model pi which is the same spec as the zero and it runs octoprint just fine) and the only other parts I used were a wifi adapter for the pi (£6), a DC/DC step-down converter to give the pi 5v from the printer psu (approx £7 from Adafruit), and a solderable micro USB connector to connect the pi to the step-down converter (£1.50). You could add a webcam/pi camera if needed but it’s not necessary if you’re monitoring it anyway. This lets you upload files directly from your PC without needing it to be connected the whole time, and is pretty easy to set up, there are plenty of good guides which can be found with the aid of Google.

thank you fellows, so it seems the Raspi is the only way to handle that and it give you perfekt monitoring too.
will do soon when i have time for it (laying 2 Raspis on my workbench) but i need a lot of plastic-parts first, getting my new 12 thermic solar panels running (winter is comming ;-)), then i have to integrate one Raspi in my alarm system … (bandits are also becomming more active here)

i have thoght there is an easy and fast way with repetier-software, cause there is an SD-tab on the right side, indicating all necessary tasks ?

I think when you get the Raspberry Pi installed you will like that much more.

[quote=“Digi-Bert”]i have thoght there is an easy and fast way with repetier-software, cause there is an SD-tab on the right side, indicating all necessary tasks ?
[/quote]Actually it should save on the SD-card but I never got it to work. It takes ages and the copied file is always truncated or corrupted.

With my actually installed (2 weeks ago) version of repetier i can see what is on the SDcard sticking in the printer.
But after “Upload to SDcard” the printer starts working on this file, so data is transfered but it is not on the card.

Error caused by repetier or marlin ?

The function is meant for the Repetier firmware. Must be incompatible with the Marlin.