Using the printer without the heatbed installed

Hello Everyone!

I am working for a company that is using the K8200 as an inspection tool and not for printing. The only functions we need are the X, Y, and Z movements so the extruder and the heatbed were never installed.

After a bit of reading, It seems that a possible reason we have not been able to get this to work is that the board shuts off if it does not detect a minimum temperature on the heatbed.

Is there a way I can disable this feature through a firmware modification?

Thank you. Any help is appreciated.

You can either disable the heatbed completely or disable the mintemp warning
by changing som entries in the configuration.h of the firmware.
You should be able to find the settings that need tweaking by the comments in the firmware file.

[quote=“ichbinsnur”]You can either disable the heatbed completely or disable the mintemp warning
by changing som entries in the configuration.h of the firmware.
You should be able to find the settings that need tweaking by the comments in the firmware file.[/quote]

Thank you for pointing me in the right direction. I got it working now.

You’re welcome!

Happy testing! :wink: