I currently use the 8055, but need the extended capability of the K8061. I see that many of the functions of the DLLs are identical syntax.
In my software, I have created functions to perform all the commands, for example ReadChannel(1), ReadAllDigital(), ReadDigitalChannel(1) etc. Then my functions call the DLL with the passed parameters.
If I use the K8061 DLL with the K8061 board . Will these still work where there are identical functions??
Yes, the functions of the K8055 and K8061 are quite similar. It is quite easy job to upgrade your program to use the DLL of the K8061.
Please note that the CardAddress have to be in all the DLL calls of the K8061. The only exceptions are OpenDevice() and CloseDevices().
ReadAnalogChannel(long CardAddress, long Channel);
ReadAllAnalog(long CardAddress, long *Buffer);
OutputAnalogChannel(long CardAddress, long Channel, long Data);
OutputAllAnalog(long CardAddress, long *Buffer);
ClearAnalogChannel(long CardAddress, long Channel);
ClearAllAnalog(long CardAddress);
SetAnalogChannel(long CardAddress,long Channel);
SetAllAnalog(long CardAddress);
OutputAllDigital(long CardAddress, long Data);
ClearDigitalChannel(long CardAddress, long Channel);
ClearAllDigital(long CardAddress);
SetDigitalChannel(long CardAddress, long Channel);
SetAllDigital(long CardAddress);
ReadDigitalChannel(long CardAddress, long Channel);
ReadAllDigital(long CardAddress);
OutputPWM(long CardAddress, long Data);
PowerGood(long CardAddress);
Connected(long CardAddress);
ReadVersion(long CardAddress, long *Buffer);
ReadBackDigitalOut(long CardAddress);
ReadBackAnalogOut(long CardAddress, long *Buffer);
ReadBackPWMOut(long CardAddress);
OpenDevice(long CardAddress);
ReadAnalogChannel(long Channel);
ReadAllAnalog(long *Data1, long *Data2);
OutputAnalogChannel(long Channel, long Data);
OutputAllAnalog(long Data1, long Data2);
ClearAnalogChannel(long Channel);
SetAnalogChannel(long Channel);
WriteAllDigital(long Data);
ClearDigitalChannel(long Channel);
SetDigitalChannel(long Channel);
ReadDigitalChannel(long Channel);
ReadCounter(long CounterNr);
ResetCounter(long CounterNr);
SetCounterDebounceTime(long CounterNr, long DebounceTime);
I thought it would.
I will be using the 8061 for production automatic test of a digital alarm PCB. (in place of LabView and national instruments interface cards). Most of the inputs/outputs are digital, however I will need to measure analogue voltages with an accuracy of about 1%. What does the 8061 use as a reference for the analogue measurements?? I can’t see the details of the circuit from the PDF on the web and I don’t have the board yet. If the internal references are not accurate enough, I will just use an external A/D (8 bit) and read digital in.
The analog-to-digital converter of the K8061 has 10 bit resolution and quite good specifications. There is no internal voltage reference: The Vdd supply is used as a reference.
Thanks for that information
sandyn can you please email me, i could realy do with a bit of help in making a small data accqusition program for the k8055 and i see you have made a couple, my email is xlr8_07@hotmail.com, help would realy be appreciated