Usb p8055

i want to have digital input where display from computer doesn’t have to be on.

Digital input of WHAT? The K8055 cannot be used to sample and playback the actual audio signals. You will have to use the computer soundcards for that.

Can you be a little more specific about what you actually try to do?

Do you envision the operator’s microphone to be a real radio microphone (with PTT button) or will that be emulated using the operator’s computer microphone and keyboard?

Will the actual radio be on the same premises as the operator?

How do you envision PTT is pushed on the radio?

Do you have or will you develop the software, that does the actual audio transport between the two computers?

I would like to use the 8055 for the audio interface. to and from if that is possible. the attendant will press a remote button on prompt from led.

radio will be inside computer. with custom mike input. attendant will press button activating relay keying radio.

doesnt the 8055 have two analog inputs? and two outputs?

spec is at 10ms for analog polling too slow for audio. i will use soundcard+ software for audio. I just want to prompt led when my mike goes low.

One of the existing LEDs on the card or do you mean using an external LED driven by one of the digital outputs?

making an existing led light would be fine. jeff

So you’re just missing the part of accessing the K8055 over the network? …

That allows you to do that. It still doesn’t have the Windows Service mode. Only runs as a console app. You’ll need MinGW to compile it.

I’m currently not working on it since I am planning significant changes to the HID message format of the K8055 Open Source project. So future versions, implementing the Windows Service, will probably not support plain old K8055 boards that have not been converted to a PIC18F.

However, since you apparently are writing some bidirectional audio streaming system anyway, you’re probably better off taking the K8055 USB access from the file k8055io.c and incorporate that into your own program.

Cool! : :stuck_out_tongue: Please keep me updated on your new project. I woould do the pic mod just for the experience. Jeff

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