Usb conector and steppermotor drivers

A minor bump and the usb connector comes of the board you need to have a better way to secure the usb connector to the pcb. do you have a schematic for board so I can bridge a new one into the board as most of the terminals got destroyed. and my steper motor drivers start at 8 volts not 1.6
Please let me know thanks.

Did the USB connector come off the board? That is an unfortunately common problem. (I’ve done it myself.) They can be re-soldered if you work carefully.

Usually the enclosure would provide some support for the USB connector, but many of us run the printer with the electronics exposed. It is always a good idea to use a cable tie to secure the USB cable to the machine frame.

Velleman have made the K8200 schematic available here:

Where are you measuring the stepper driver voltage? The reference voltage on the card should be 0.45 to 0.55 volts unless you are using nonstandard parts.