Updating my firmware

I have downloaded the newest firmware and, I try to upload it to y k8400 via Adruino. But every time I try to upload, it says time out communicating with programmer. what does this mean? and how can I fix it?

Did you follow the steps on the manual website as it sounds you are trying to burn a new bootloader and that is not needed…

I have followed the instructions online, I’ve reread them over and over again to see where I’ve gone wrong. On the Adruino webesit it says to use windows 7 or vista. I have windows 8.1, i think that’s my problem.i

Did you use Arduino 1.0.6 to do your upload? Is the printer connected to the mains?

What version of arduino are you using? It should be 1.0.6 not 1.6.4.

Windows 8.1 works without a problem normally.

I’m using Adruino 1.0.6, the printer is not connected to the main. I’ve uninstalled and re installed the adruino and the latest firmware for the 3d printer. Still no luck.

Ok hmm, please write down step by step what action you are taking so I can see If what step exactly is giving the error you get.