Unit passes calibration but won't display correct informatio

Hi All
Bought a kit and everything was working fine while trying to fix a bally pinball board yesterday. However, today I noticed the ground lead was getting warm and voltages were not being displayed correctly. Can anyone give me areas to check on the edu09 to get this working again. It passes calibration fine.
Many thanks in advance

[quote]However, today I noticed the ground lead was getting warm and voltages were not being displayed correctly.[/quote] It seems excessive current is flowing through the ground lead.
Most probably you have connercted the ground lead to the potential different to zero.
Please notice the ground of the EDU09 is directly connected to the ground of your PC.
Be very careful not to connect the ground lead of the EDU09 to any potential than zero (ground).

Thanks for the reply. I was unaware I may have done this and can’t see how.
I have disconnected it from the board I was testing and have tried to test a battery. It will only show some sort of reading if I set to .1 mv.
Have I damaged it do you think? If so what should I be checking? I’m not a complete novice.
Many thanks
Paul M

First you may check there is connection between the ground lead and the ground plane of the board. The high current may have ‘burned’ the thin connection strips between the GND soldering pad and the surrounding ground plane.

If OK, you can next trace the signal is going through IC1 to pin 3 of IC2 and then to the output pin 1 of IC2.
To check IC1 operation select the most sensitive V/Div range.

Thanks for the help.
I have tracked it down to the fact, the red probe leads insulation had stretched and the copper was touching the plated through hole.
What a fool I feel :slight_smile:

No problem :slight_smile:
It’s nice you got your EDU09 working again.