Uneven distance between nozzle and heated bed...?!


Nearly ready for my first print, but when calibrating the extruder vs heated bed (0,25mm), noticed that while at the corners were 0,25mm, across to next corners, the nozzle touched the bed (the midle were aslo slightly elevated). So for me it looks like the bed plate or alum profile under is slightly “wobbly”. Any suggestion to iron out the bumps?

Thanks for help


Best is to forget about the screws that hold the Heatbed pcb down and use document clips on the edges instead.
That way the PCB will warp less, because it’s not clamped by the screws.
Putting a 3mm glass plate or the well known IKEA Mirror tile on top of the PCB will improve it too.

I’ve got that glass plate (but right now forgot it). I assume that the heater is “strong” enough to get enough heat through the glass. Another thing, while adjusting stop switches, I lost connection between computer and printer? If this happens while printing, is it possible to just start off were it stopped?


[quote=“ivarg”]I’ve got that glass plate (but right now forgot it). I assume that the heater is “strong” enough to get enough heat through the glass. Another thing, while adjusting stop switches, I lost connection between computer and printer? If this happens while printing, is it possible to just start off were it stopped?


Nope, unfortunately not.

You should upgrade to marlin V2 if you not already did.
That version disables the endstops during print.