Unable to configure K8200


I finished assembling my K8200 printer this afternoon and then continued with connecting and testing it.
When connected to my computer, I am able to ‘connect’ it to Repetier but still have no control of the motor’s.
I’m able to switch the fan on and off but am unable to move the Extruder arm in any direction.
The error message I get in the window at the bottom of the screen is:
"Printer stopped due to errors. Fix the errors and use M999 to restart. (Temperature is reset. Set it after restarting).
What can I do to fix this issue?
Any help is greatly appreciated



Befor moving extruder you need to have a hot temperature before.

In your case, if you have "Printer stopped due to errors. Fix the errors and use M999 to restart

=> that means a temperature problem. Do you have a correct extruder and bed temperature ? average ambiance temperature

The extruder and bed are not heating at all. I have tried to manually start the heating process with repetier but nothing.
I should mention that in repetier, the bed and extruder temperature are showing as being 22.4 and 738.8 degrees respective even thought there is no heat from either.

your problem is extruder temperature = 738.8 degrees

Try to solve it.

Try to swap temperature sensor between bed and extruder to see if the problem still exist ?

If yes, your mother board is in default. If the temperature problem swap too, this is a wiring problem.

I swapped the connectors for the temperature sensors on the motherboard over and the temperatures switched.
Is that what you expected?
What is the best way to rectify this problem?


It was a problem with the NTC. I disconnected it and tested it with my multimeter again, got a good reading and assumed it was an issue with the wiring. I reconnected it, making sure I had a good connection between the wires and NTC. I then tested it again and had the same reading as before so I then slid it back into the heater block and reconnected the wires to the flat cable.
I now have full control of movement of all motors and heating elements.

Thanks to thebuglife for the help.
Would have been stuck without it.
Thanks again.

I 'm happy to you if your problem is solved

Greetings, i just finished building and all the rest with my k8200 and i cant configure or move anything even if repetear has been connected and all the rest when i try to move any of the axis motors i get the same error with our friend here and i have the same temps extruder 17.1C and bed 738 C. Unfortunately my english aint truly the best so i need some more help solving it :slight_smile:
Looking forward your answer, thanks in advance.
Greek Student.

Hello once again, happy new year to everyone! I managed to find the problem and solve it, it was a wiring connection on the air. Eveything work fine, calibrated to full but now i am stuck in something that i cant solve. Its about the slicer, i download the file that says and when i press load to the configuration says that the selected preset dosent exist and pops me 1 more error saying i was unable to load the selected config. I am thinking that i have a very new version of repetier v 1.0.6. Anyone can help?
Thanks in advance!
Greek Student.