Unable boot to bootloader

Hi there, have PVM205’5 it works red led always flshes yelow works and green continous. it gets ip from dhcp. and thats it i cant access it in browser, or any thing.
if loading firmware update with the leds like this gaves this:

Device connected
Bootloader Firmware Version: 1.0
Hex file loaded successfully
No Response from the device. Operation failed

Device connected
Bootloader Firmware Version: 1.0
Hex file loaded successfully
No Response from the device. Operation failed
No Response from the device. Operation failed
Device disconnected
Please reset device and invoke bootloader
No Response from the device. Operation failed

i tryed to put jumper , shorten reset, unplug usb plug with left shorten but the leds the same, and nothing else, if dhcp switched off then no green led and cant find board it just has

rebot button works but the same.

so how any other option i have ?

it looks like reset switch does nothing is there manual shortening on the chip some pins possible ? witch are off them ?


any body or shoud i return it to shop ? thanks

Yes please return to the shop.
Your card needs new firmware.
Best Regards,