Timning usage

Hi friends:)

I intend to buy the MULTIFUNCTIONAL CLOCK K8009 kit…for use as a timingdevice when driving RC-Rally. I also intend to use the chronometer function mainly…but i have a question about the resolution of the time? Is it posible to modifie the clock so it counts minutes seconds and tenth of a seconds instead of HH-MM-SS…?

I have a fair amount of buildingskills so resonable understanding is available=)…As far as i know, it is not just to clock it, the decoders must be able to count 59MM 59SS 99TH…but where do i change this

I hope there is someone kind that could fill me in…i vill buy it anyway:)


The behaviour of this clock is totally determined by the software in the microcontroller, which cannot be changed, as the source code is not available.