Termistor isolation sleeve

God morning everyone

I have a small issue that someone might have an awnser to. The Temp sensor braided sleeve that is used on one of my printheads have burned off into 2 seperate parts opening the sensor connectors up for a potential future shortening. :frowning: I have been searching the Electronics shops here in sweden a couple of days for a replacement for the sleeve part sins the sensor stil works. I have found that all the ones i have found cant take more then 230C before they reach melting point.

Is vellerman using something more special for this or is it that the printer have a weak spot sins it is claimed to be able to go up to 270C

Most braided sleeves i have found it eather polyester or PET or silicone based mixtures some cant go over 175C before they start melting.

// Marlark

Sorry for the inconvience.
We’d recommend to send a support ticket so that we can mail a spare sleeve.

@Vellman Why didn’t you offer to mail me one when I complained of a similar problem? I tried to buy one and even asked you for one but you wouldn’t send me one as you said they were prepared by a subcontractor? I still haven’t found a solution for mine!

Meanwhile we have a solution, so feel free to mail us a support ticket.
Sorry for the inconvenience.

[quote=“VEL417”]Meanwhile we have a solution, so feel free to mail us a support ticket.
Sorry for the inconvenience.[/quote]
Thanks - I raised a ticket the same day. Not heard anything since other than the automated reply.

I believe your support ticket was resolved today and new parts have been sent to you

Yupp got a mail about it erlier :slight_smile: Thx and looking forward to get the printer complete again :wink:

Yes, me too. :slight_smile:

The spare parts just arrived :slight_smile: Thx