if i change the temperature in the software and i want to print it Always goes back to 190 degrees
pleasse help
Look at your Slic3r ‘Printer Settings’.
Under Custom G-code; Start G-code you’ll see an M109 S190 command.
If Slic3r sees an M104 (set extruder temperature) or M109 (set extruder temperature and wait), then it won’t automatically generate any more commands in the code.
If you delete or comment out that line, then your temperature settings will work. You will have to remember to do a manual pre-heat though, or the extruder prime won’t work.
I have
M104 S100 ; idle extruder temperature
M140 S50 ; idle bed temperature
in my end code.
Try looking in the printer settings.
Under Printer --> Default Extruder Temperature