Temperature is reset. Set it before restarting

Ok…after a couple of nights of tweaking to get the heated bed registering a temperature and heating up I’ve got that issue sorted. (Therm connector to the board is dodgy but works fine once modified).

Now the latest issue is this…

Printer stopped due to errors. Fix the error and use M999 to restart!. (Temperature is reset. Set it before restarting)

Last night with the heated bed disabled I was able to get dry run printing working but tonight I’m getting this thrown out as soon as I try to print.
Extruder is reading 26 degrees when off and 190 when on
Bed reads 22 off and 50 on.

Any ideas anyone?

Hi Shaugi,

doublecheck the cables, especially the ribbon cable and, probably even more important, your modified THERM connector. The error message you mentioned usually indicates an out-of-range temperature reading on one of the thermistors (range being 5 to 150 °C for the bed and 5 to 285 °C for the hotend). In other words: this error will be triggered if either of the thermistors is disconnected or short circuited.

Note that the temperature readout in Repetier Host is updated only in 1 s interval (or slower). If the connection problem is intermittent, it is possible that it won’t show up in Repetier Host’s temperature diagram, or only if it lasts more than a second. However, the firmware updates its inputs a lot faster, so it’ll catch even a very short glitch in the connection.


I also got this message when one of the stepper driver boards on my controller went bust. I couldn’t even connect to the printer and the logic board was very warm. Replacing it (stepper driver board) resolved the issue.

[quote=“kuraasu”]Hi Shaugi,

doublecheck the cables, especially the ribbon cable and, probably even more important, your modified THERM connector. The error message you mentioned usually indicates an out-of-range temperature reading on one of the thermistors (range being 5 to 150 °C for the bed and 5 to 285 °C for the hotend). In other words: this error will be triggered if either of the thermistors is disconnected or short circuited.

Note that the temperature readout in Repetier Host is updated only in 1 s interval (or slower). If the connection problem is intermittent, it is possible that it won’t show up in Repetier Host’s temperature diagram, or only if it lasts more than a second. However, the firmware updates its inputs a lot faster, so it’ll catch even a very short glitch in the connection.


Hey Kuraasu,
Modified was a bit of a strong term lol. Basically the therm2 connector doesn’t seem to like being in the slightest wrong position. but nudging the plug away from therm1 lets the heater work and the temp reading appear. My modification was a lil bit of 3mm pla placed between the therm1 and therm 2 connectors to nudge therm2 into it’s preferred position.

Even when the heaters are both on and the temps are 190 and 50 nothing works…even trying to move any axis via manual control on repetier 0.84 throws out that error.

Just tried to print again…temps are 190 and 50 give or take a few tenths of a degree, slic3r runs ok and the bed and extruder go to 0,0,0
Errors then appear timestamped every .050 of a second or so until I kill the job.

Ok…update for you all.

I’ve had a mechanically minded workmate take a look and he’s soldered the therm2 wires directly to the pins.
Then between us we’ve tweaked the z axis a bit. Looks like the threaded rod for the z axis is a little bent but not to the point it affects movement. Also the bed is warped but that’s a worry for another day.

The filament feed needed a bit of tweaking to run nicely but other than that we appear to be running nicely.

I’ve got halfway through a print before the base detached from the heatbed…though atm the printer is only on a camping table that wobbles a bit as the printer works so I’ve guessing that knocked the print loose.