We try to programm a temperature sensor with the PIC16F882.
We use the ntc ttc103.
The ntc measure temperatures in voltage and we want to know the voltage for the temperatures from 10 to 35°C
How can we get these datas?
We want to show up the degrees, measured from the ntc, on our edu10 board
[quote]We use the ntc ttc103.
The ntc measure temperatures in voltage and we want to know the voltage for the temperatures from 10 to 35°C
How can we get these datas?[/quote]Here you’ll find the data for the TTC103: bentex.com.hk/catalog/thermi … tc05.shtml
The B-Constant seems to be 4050 for this NTC.
At 10°C the resistance of the TTC103 seems to be 20536 ohms.
If the TTC103 is the ‘upper’ resistor of a voltage divider and the ‘lower’ resistor is fixed 10k (as in the EDU10) and the input voltage is 5V, you’ll get the output voltage:
Vout = 5V*10000/(10000+20536) = 1.64V
At 30°C the resistance is 7993 ohms and the output voltage is: