Support structure

I’m trying to print the Z-axis support from Thingeverse and have checked the “Generate support material”-box before slicing. Then saving the changes.
After slicing I can not see the support in the preview. Also the number of lines in the gcode is the same regradless of the box beeing checked or not.

What do I do wrong ?

Do you have “Show Filament” on?
This would be the eye at the top of the screen.

Yes show filament is on.
If not I dont get a preview at all.

Why do you want to print with support? You just have to turn the piece 90° on one axis.
The presence of support depends on the angle of overhang defined in the Cura settings/structures. Or it seems you’re using Slic3r as there’s no such checkbox in Cura. Is your pinter a Vertex? What version of Repetier are you using?

Yes, I can turn the piece 90° and print it “on its side”. That will just solve the problem temporary and the next time I want to print something with support maybe its not possible to angle it. Also, the Z-axle support is supposed to contain a bearing and I’m quite convinced that it will be a better fit if printed from straight up rather then laying on its side.

I’m using Repetier downloaded as adviced in the Velleman assembly instructions about 3 weeks ago.
Yes, its a Vertex K8400.

I googled the issue last night and found that to get supports “just click the box”.

Here’s what the piece looked like when I first tried to print it without support structure. The “spaghetti” is starting at layer 34.

Hi monza64,

in repertier i would switch to the cura slicer.
Its fast and good.

If you print the piece on it’s side, the hole for the bearing will be more accurate than if you print it flat. I’ve printed it that way and it’s perfect. And Cura is indeed far better for the Vertex as it already has the (almost) correct settings (which Slic3r doesn’t have). And try avoiding support as often as possible as support is a pain to remove and can ruin the good looks of your pieces.

Hey raby, nice tip to print it on the side. Did you print the hole with or without support?

If I lay it on its side I get a support structure for the hole with Slic3r.

If I slice with Cura, in the original position, I still dont get a support !?

Could someone please check with S or C if they actually gets a support structure with the original position ?

Support is not necessary (suitable) to print the hole. If you print with support you’ll have to sand the hole and it won’t be better. Without support it’s just perfect.

With both I get support but far better in Cura.
With Cura :

With Slic3r :

Got the same pic as raby.
Which support type did you choose?

Thanks guys for beeing patient with a newbee. And thanks for the pictures !

In Cura, I can find the place where to set the properties of the support but I cant find a support on/off like there is in Slic3r. Is there a support on/off checkbox ?

yes under support type

As Raby said.
Turn it so it is on it’s side.
Do not use support structure.
It will turn out ok.
Also lower the temp to 190 instead of 210.
Change the retraction to 3mm or 4mm

Thanks again guys !
I was looking in Configuration like it is in Slic3r.

Sorry but additional problems has occured.

I used Cura and lowered the extruder temp to 190 as adviced but after slicing and starting the job the printer tries to heat the bed to 50C, but I have no bed. Probably there is and checkbox for this somewhere that I cant find.

Just as an experiment I then went back to Slic3r and noticed that S estimates the filament need to roughly 11 meters when C estimates to only 6,x meters. The time is also about 30 minutes longer with S.

If you’ve installed the Velleman version of Repetier you shouldn’t have that issue.
Go to Cura settings/filament tab : Set the Bed temperature to 0.

Just as an experiment I then went back to Slic3r and noticed that S estimates the filament need to roughly 11 meters when C estimates to only 6,x meters. The time is also about 30 minutes longer with S.[/quote]These are just estimates and are not very accurate. Anyway Cura is far more efficient than Slic3r. Hence the lower print time.

Everything is installed according to Vellemans instructions in the online buildmanual.

I tried to set it to 0 degrees but it did not help. Maybe I forgot to save. I’ll check again.
I interprete your answer as “there is no checkbox for bed heating”.

[quote=“monza64”]I interprete your answer as “there is no checkbox for bed heating”.[/quote]Indeed.
Have also a look in the G-Code tab of the Cura settings : If in the Start G-Code there’s a line {IF_BED}M190 S{BED} you can comment it (put a ‘;’ at the beginning of the line). In the End-G-Code you can also comment the line M140 S0.

I tried to set a “;” before the lines you mentioned but no change, it still tries to heat the bed.
I then realized that in the gcode it is not only a “;” before the lines to ignore but a "; " (semicolon and a space).
Tried this as well but no change, still heating bed.