I assembled a K8200 and following the steps from “002 - connecting the printer / manual control”, only the Z-Axis motor runs as described. Both X-Axis and Y-Axis steppers run only in one direction and block in the other direction (stepper beeps but no movement).
So I thought, may be I made a mistake on wiring.
But before cutting the wiring, I tested all stepper motors plugged in as Z-Axis stepper.
Well, all motors work as expected.
The I searched for “stepper only one direction” and found a hint about end-position switches.
So I checked the wiring of all switches and they look all fine too. All switches are closed and open at pressure.
So I have no idea, where the (my?) error could be.
You may need to meter the wires for the end stops.
This sound like an open or miss wiring on both of them.
When the bed is away from the end stop you should see a short.
When the bed is pressing on the end stop you should see an open.
Remember the wires should be on the outside terminals.
What I meant with “I checked the switches” is, I checked each switch with a meter for short in unpressed state and open in pressed state. I checked this from the platine plugs of cause, so this check includes a validation of the wiring.
So from what I could check without cutting the wires - looks fine so far.
Yes. On testing the steppers with the working Z-Axis channel, I labeled all stepper connectors.
On testing the switches with the meter, I labeled all switch connectors too.
Both heater channels work well with temperature feedback loop.
After my last posting I removed the plastic guidances of the switch related plugs to meter the corresponding traces from pcb - all ok.
Then I disassembled the connectors to improve the springs, that are responsable for electrical connection.
After assembling all connectors, attaching them to the right plugs …
I powered the board, connected the PC and …