Strange extruder temp curve

I’ve seen lots of temperature problems in the forums. Yet not exactly this one:

I’m having a strange temp graph. Everything is fine for some time. But then the extruder temp rises very high. And the software stops working.

Any ideas anyone, please? :frowning:

[quote=“eboreg”]I’ve seen lots of temperature problems in the forums. Yet not exactly this one:

I’m having a strange temp graph. Everything is fine for some time. But then the extruder temp rises very high. And the software stops working.

Any ideas anyone, please? :frowning:

I did not see this behavior before… You say this happens over time? You can work for some time and then it happens? Then I would say it’s a software problem… Is the red line a setpoint or a actual temperature? In case of the first your PID parameters are tripping for some reason. In case of the second: I doubt the temperature rises up to 500 °C :slight_smile: Did you try resetting the settings/re-installing Repetier?

You should check the thermistor wiring on the extruder.
It looks like the wires maybe shorting in the heater block.

[quote=“Wrong Way”]You should check the thermistor wiring on the extruder.
It looks like the wires maybe shorting in the heater block.[/quote]

You were right.

I’ve rewired the thermistor and it works perfectly now.
I presume the end of the thermistor wire pierced the textile cover. Or the tin solder.

ps: now printing my first object, the casing from the tutorial. yay!!


Glad to hear it’s working.

Enjoy your printer.