I changed the standart bed system to an CORE XY and upgraded firmware properly. It worked fine so far with printing. It has now been a while since i used this printer (1month) and i was trying to print something. But the printbed hardley move. The Stepper motor sound weird and shake pretty strong. I checked the Voltage for the Stepper each at 0.56 Volt. For the driver.
The mechanic works fine when i move it via hand. Anyone have a suggestion? Can it be the Repetierhost which i downloaded? I thougth i just have to set the settings in the firmware for CORE xy or do i have to set it in repetierhost aswell?
Greetings Losspost
This may not be the problem but should be checked.
Make sure you have 15 volts at the blue connector on the control board.
make sure the screws in the pulleys on the stepper motors are tight.