Stepper motor buzz

Back in April, I posted on this matter, but never got resolution.

My K8200 at the start of a print the extruder is supposed to prime; the extruder stepper motor buzzes like it is losing steps, but does not rotate. The problem is that the nozzle does not prime, but then does retract at the start of print and does not start printing properly.

What could be the cause? How can it be corrected?


Hi Wally

What software are you using to print?
Can you post your start G-code?


The start code is:

M207 S0 F1200 Z0
G28 ; home all axes
G90 ; use absolute coordinates
G21 ; set units to millimeters
G92 E0
M82 ; use absolute distances for extrusion
G1 E10 F200 ; prime nozzle

This is in Slic3r, Printer Settings, Custom g-code; the Start Code and End Code in Repetier is blank.
I am using Repetier Host V1.0.6 and Slic3r 1.2.6

Thanks for your help!


You should download and use this version.

This one is all setup for the K8200

Isnt the hobbelt bold and all other screwed to tight

So the motor can’t turn freely

Back in April, I posted on this matter, but never got resolution.

My K8200 at the start of a print the extruder is supposed to prime; the extruder stepper motor buzzes like it is losing steps, but does not rotate. The problem is that the nozzle does not prime, but then does retract at the start of print and does not start printing properly.

What could be the cause? How can it be corrected?


Wally, did you got this fixed already?
I recently faced the same problem after uprgading to the most recent repetier host.
Can be that the extruder position is not zeroed at start, as well as too much speed for the primimg extrusion.

Try this code :

M82 ; Extruder in absolute mode G92 E0 ; reset extruder postition G1 E10 F200 ; prime the nozzle G92 E0 ; reset extruder postition G0 x10 F3000 ;



Hi Christian,

As can be seen from my Gcode, I had all the same commands, but not in the same order as yours, so I changed them around. Now it works OK most of the time, but not always. Maybe I missed something on the accelerations or such.

I will investigate further and post if I find it.

Thanks for the help!


[quote=“WallyL”]Hi Christian,

As can be seen from my Gcode, I had all the same commands, but not in the same order as yours, so I changed them around. Now it works OK most of the time, but not always. Maybe I missed something on the accelerations or such.

I will investigate further and post if I find it.

Thanks for the help!


Sorry, i had accidentially messed up the code. X:(

M82 ; Extruder in absolute mode G92 E0 ; reset extruder postition G1 E10 F200 ; prime the nozzle G92 E0 ; reset extruder postition G0 x10 F3000 ;

So, it seems for whaterver reason, there must be an extruder reset before starting the print.
The reset after the priming MUST also be kept, cause otherwise the extrusion calculation gets messed up!



The problem is solved, thanks for the help!



[quote=“WallyL”]The problem is solved, thanks for the help!



You’re welcome!
Happy printing!