Stepper don't move anymore


I finished assembling of my vertex k8400 with only one print head few day ago and i was unable to make it print. For the first test, everything has worked well but the fillament wont extrude ( even if nozzle is > 200 C ) and the printer was moving in X/Y/ Z fine. i tried older firmware, change the voltage of the stepper driver. But since i changed the voltage of the extruder driver. X/Y stepper wont work anymore when i try to print or make go home the head. then i try to change the voltage of X/Y/Z driver too but nothing has changed)
what are the good voltage ? ( not 0.9V its the minimum voltage that i can set with the trimmer and nothing move)
(and the extruder probleme is still unresolved)
any clue ? any help would be apreciated.


(sorry for terrible english)

Have you tried to swap the drivers?
Say the X for the extruder just to see if the problem moves.

I have tryed what you have said and the Y motor and the extruder motor seem be dead, the x and y driver are dead too.
where i can replace them ?

You can open a support ticket here.

It’s very odd that all 4 are bad.
Are you trying to move through the LCD or a computer?
Does the Z axis work?

yes, the Z axis work and i tried with the computer and the LCD


When you reloaded the firmware what version of the Arduino software did you use.
If you use a version over 1.0.6 it will give you problems.
You can download it from here.

thank you. i will try ASAP ( i was on arduino 1.0.5 but i will try to see if something change)

nothing changed :’( servo still broken and driver dont work