Stepp per mm and multiplier calibration

Double checking my theori on two things. To calibrate your Stepp per MM in the firmware what you can do for all 3 of the axes is to print a 20x20x20 mm cube and messure the axes and then use this formula to correct the values in the firmware.

New Steps MM value for axes = (20 mm * Current setting for the axes)/Messured value for the axes.


Default value for XSteps/mm in firmware is 134,34
The printed cube say 20,35 mm when messured

Result = (20*134,34)/20,35 = 132,42 as new value

Then do the same for all 3 axes to get the correct outer perimiter messurments.

But before that i need a correct extrution multiplier.

And to get that my theori say that if i print a outline box with 2 perimiter lines without infil and top and bottom and them messure it based on the slicer wall with for example if the slicer say that the wall should be 0,75 for example i can use this formula maybe?

New Extrusion multiplier = (Slicer result value/Messured wall value) * current multiplier


(0,75/0,85)*0,9 = 0,79

Would i be correct in the above asumtion?

// Marlark

True didnt think about that :slight_smile: