Step 5 choose used pins

Hello, I am not sure how to interpret step 5 pin select. Please identify which pins are selected. Thank you!

Basically you have to select if the shield is powered from the Arduino or if you are going to use an external power source and connect it to the ‘PWR’-connector of the shield.

Thank you for the quick reply. I know step 4 is a jumper to select the power source. I am referring to step 5 which is another jumper and ambiguous to which pins are selected. Thanks again!

Sorry, we thought you were referring to the kit version.
Apparantly you have the assembled version.

At step 5 you can select to which pin of your Arduino you would like to assign each pin of the shield.
This is only important if you have more than one shield, to avoid that they both use the same pin of the Arduino.
The different signals are mentioned below the connectors and above you can see to which pins you can assign them, by placing the corresponding jumper.
Make sure that you adapt your sketch so that your code adresses the correct pins.