I have just completed my first kit,: Steam Engine Sound Generator (MK134). Euphoria soon turned to disappointment when it sizzled (yay) but the engine sound would not run (boo).
Help, any suggestions would be welcome. I have checked over everything and can’t see anything obvious. Please bear in mind that I can just about change a fuse.
A couple of solderings might need some rework.
At first sight we see no Obvious problems.
The parts that are responsible for the engine sound are:
R16, R20, T2, R21, R19, RV1, R12, R11, R10, R22 and C9.
Please inspect them closely. Watch for mechanical issues, bad, loose, touching or bad solderings, etc…
This is a long shot, but anyway:
I’d replace the 324 and maybe the transistor.
(they are the only active parts).
If this does not work, we can offer inspection/repair if you mail us your kit.
Thanks, what would be the arrangements for the return of the kit? This would probably be the best option as I am a novice in electronic maters.
An address to return and approximate cost would be appreciated.
I returned my kit to Maplin last week and they agreed to return it for inspection. They also insisted I took another kit free of charge to have another attempt and I am pleased to say I have been successful! The whistle even sounds like a toot rather than an electronic beep although it is rather high pitched. Many thanks for your help,