Steam Engine Sound Generator (MK134)

I have just completed my first kit,: Steam Engine Sound Generator (MK134). Euphoria soon turned to disappointment when it sizzled (yay) but the engine sound would not run (boo).

Help, any suggestions would be welcome. I have checked over everything and can’t see anything obvious. Please bear in mind that I can just about change a fuse.

Can you post pictures of both sides of your kit, so we can look at the placement of components and the soldering work?

It will not allow me to upload or attach the photos on to the page, do you have an email address I can send them to?

It looks like I have to contact the Administrator to post the pics but I couldn’t see a way of doing it Does he read this?

You can put them on a free picture hosing web site and post the link here

Hope this link works.


A couple of solderings might need some rework.
At first sight we see no Obvious problems.
The parts that are responsible for the engine sound are:
R16, R20, T2, R21, R19, RV1, R12, R11, R10, R22 and C9.
Please inspect them closely. Watch for mechanical issues, bad, loose, touching or bad solderings, etc…


No luck I’m afraid. Tried remaking the solder joints you suggested but it made no difference. Any further suggestions please?

This is a long shot, but anyway:
I’d replace the 324 and maybe the transistor.
(they are the only active parts).
If this does not work, we can offer inspection/repair if you mail us your kit.

Thanks, what would be the arrangements for the return of the kit? This would probably be the best option as I am a novice in electronic maters.
An address to return and approximate cost would be appreciated.

Just mail it to:

Velleman Projects Tech. Dept.
Legen Heirweg 33
9890 Gavere

To avoid shipping costs, you can also return it to your distributor.

When you say “Distributor” do you mean where I purchased it? which was Maplin in Swansea.



I returned my kit to Maplin last week and they agreed to return it for inspection. They also insisted I took another kit free of charge to have another attempt and I am pleased to say I have been successful! The whistle even sounds like a toot rather than an electronic beep although it is rather high pitched. Many thanks for your help,



Happy to read that it works!