actually, I was happy with the printer after installing the heated bed.
Everything get well, even some printings of 135 in diameter.
So I decided to print a selfcontructed fan grid (170mm) for an outlet in the cellar.
First, the printer is connected to the USB, Software is S3D latest version.
the brim is made, the outlines are made some grind is made but within the printing, the head move to
a different place and printing a quader and coming back. or while printing the outlines, just left some out,
or printing only half of it.
The log says something about FIRMWARE NOT RESPONSIVE… KEEP TRYING (or similar).
I changed the software, I changed the MAC, but always the same behavior but not always the same issues.
The printer is doing different each print.
So I tried the SD card, and it looked brilliant, except the third layer, I got a shift of abt 1CM down the Y-axis.
There is no blocking since the outer perimeter was printed first…
My PLA ist half used by now…
Any hint to check?
I have read the forums and found some ideas, SD-card for exaple, but that was no success.
I put the STL thru the netfabb, but no changes.
It looks like, that a specific size will lead to that prob.
I changed to the latest firmware yesterday, I changed MACs I changed S§D version, all the same but never the same time or position.
Using the same G-Code, UBS produces different erros than SD-Card,
You should always avoid printing through a USB cable as it’s very sensitive to various interferences (hence the unresponsive firmware : most probably a connection issue).
On the other hand you’re now printing a bigger object resulting in the head moving closer to the boundaries. A slight misalignment of your Y axis can then be more critical. If needed (re)check the axis alignment, oil the rods before a wider print and slow down the speed.
[quote=“raby”]You should always avoid printing through a USB cable as it’s very sensitive to various interferences (hence the unresponsive firmware : most probably a connection issue).
On the other hand you’re now printing a bigger object resulting in the head moving closer to the boundaries. A slight misalignment of your Y axis can then be more critical. If needed (re)check the axis alignment, oil the rods before a wider print and slow down the speed.[/quote]
Hi raby,
your comments are appreciated.
What I figured out, is that, after installing the heated bed, the Y-axis (which had the jump) was going black on the rod.
Meaning I use silicon spray oil for lubricating the rods, but that one always went black after a while.
If I take a towel and put some spray on, I can clean the rod to its original colour (very shiny).
It is probably the up going heat of the bed, which make the difference.
I will take some lubrication which is more head resistant. got some silicon oil for heavy duty, or should I stick to the Nähmaschinenöl?
What do you think about cooling the PCB and there especially the ICs with a heat sink, which I have left from RaPi.
The stepper modules got cooling sinks already.
just checking the specification of silicon spray… ok that is not made for metal-metal connections.
so it is one additional reason for the fail (maybe).
specification which may ok is Teflon or aka PTFE öl
Indeed I’m using PTFE oil : it dries quickly on the rod but keep lubricating it. Cleaning the rod is important : dust+oil results in some kind of sticky compound.
I am on a business trip until Friday, i have to check during the weekend.
But at least, I can get the Teflon spray…
Can you give me a hint about USV… how many VA (Scheinleistung) I have to power up a 15V 500W PSU.
[quote=“biscuitlad”]I wouldn’t use a spray - you don’t want any grease on your print bed!
Normal light mineral oil will work fine. I actually prefer a light grease - that way there’s no risk of oil droplets contaminating the bed.[/quote]
That is right. found some silicon drops on the bed, was wondering where they came from, found drops hanging off the rods…
And i used just a little of the spray with at paper handkerchief around. there must be one place where all the silicon was stored