SOLVED: Problem with the first layer after the infill

Normally the first layer after the infill was going perfect but since some days it is going wrong.
Picture-1 is showing the result. The thickness is variable and many time it looks like the filament is broken and make sphere like piece of filament which is thicker than my layer. When the extruder hit such a little sphere of PLA the extruder is blocked with the known rattle.
In the second picture you look along the print and you see the little spheres above the surface.

Is there anyone who knows how to solve my problem??

My Repetier setting are not changed for two years and I use the settings “Raby” advised. I have realigned the X-Y axis yesterday.

The Velleman Filament I am using, was about 11-12 month ago opened and mounted on the Vertex. After I exchange the old filament with a new one all the problems are gone.

Is this normal behaviour for (Velleman) filament??

I think this would be normal for any filament.

Clear, but is there a method to save the filament in a better way? I don’t use two boxes of filament (2 extruders) in a year. Do I have to change the filament every say 8-9 month or so regardless of usage?

I put mine in a freezer bag (very tight fit) and store it in a cool dry place.
It seems to help.
I have also heard that some will put some rice in a nylon and put that in with it.
It will absorb moisture.

Ohhhh you unload every time the filament!! I am lazier and leave the filament always on the Vertex and put a dustcover over it.
Hmmmm perhaps it is a better way to unload and use a freezer bag and store it cool and dry.

Yes I do (or at least try to)
I have found if it says loaded to long it will break in the tube and cause problems and a mess that needs to be cleaned up and I hate doing that.
Since I printed this load latch it’s easier to load it so it’s not that big of a deal anymore

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Yes I have that load latch too. It is a great relief.
Yes you are right, I didn’t realize but my old filament (black) broke very easy and regularly the last days and the other old filament (white) had the problems mentioned above.
And with the new filament (and the load latch) it’s much easier to load filament than with old filament, it is very difficult to get the old filament in the tube.

So I will change and unload the filament in the future. Thanks for the advise.