Small strings on first layer

Dear all,

I’ve made a lot of tests to avoid these small strings on the first layer:

I suppose this is a retraction issue and tested:

Retraction speed: 90 - 150 mm/s
Retraction length 3 - 7 mm
Temp: 190° - 210 °C

None of these settings worked and I’am not even sure if there were changes at all.

What else could I test? Should there be a „visibel“ or „feelable“ retraction of the fillament with these settings? I feel small little „ticks“ but no retraction of several mm.



[quote=“Chinch”]Dear all,

I’ve made a lot of tests to avoid these small strings on the first layer:

I suppose this is a retraction issue and tested:

Retraction speed: 90 - 150 mm/s
Retraction length 3 - 7 mm
Temp: 190° - 210 °C

None of these settings worked and I’am not even sure if there were changes at all.

What else could I test? Should there be a „visibel“ or „feelable“ retraction of the fillament with these settings? I feel small little „ticks“ but no retraction of several mm.



as far as i know you can see very cleary that the filament is retracting.

The best retraction parameters are : 3mm -150mm/s. But you can’t avoid a tiny oozing of the filament. Moreover there’s no retraction when the head travels within the print boundaries. The oozing is covered by the next layer so it matters a lot less.

I noticed you do not have a skirt.
You might turn it with 3 loops.
It will still ooze but on the skirt and may help

Ok, that’s the reason why I didn’t see any retraction - there is no retraction. :slight_smile: Do you know the reason for this behavior?

Unfourtunaly, the first layers are the visible surfaces of my prints, because of their flat and plain structures.

[quote=“Wrong Way”]I noticed you do not have a skirt.
You might turn it with 3 loops.
It will still ooze but on the skirt and may help[/quote]

I’ve just checked the settings. At least one loop was printed but I’ll do some test prints with different skirt settings, thanks.

[quote=“Chinch”]Do you know the reason for this behavior?[/quote]As the oozing is covered by printed layers or is in the build volume it’s supposed to be invisible.
You’d better print with low temperatures (190 for PLA and 220 for ABS). The higher the temperature, the higher the oozing.