

I was playing with this slicer and have noticed something strange or perhaps normal but when you slice a object and don’t change anything and slice again it will take a different path? is this normal and does it happen with other slicers, surely if it has one route then this should be the same route it slicers every time?

Does anyone know the reason and does other slicers do this?

what’s the best free slicer to use?

I use Cura, standalone.
Very quick.

Slic3r has a setting under Print Settings / Layers and Perimeters called “randomize starting points” that causes it to randomize the tool paths to avoid creating repetitive patterns. You probably have this enabled…? There may be other settings that do this kind of thing also.

Yes I have didn’t think of that I was trying to sort a path out as keep getting nozzle marks on top surface. I’ve tried reducing flow rate also tried z lift. So was working on advanced to stop the nozzle going across the centre of the object

I tried cura but when it started it went to z home but then rose up so don’t know what was going on there happy with slic3r just wish I could get rid of the nozzle mark on top