Simplify 3d

Hello every one
are there any users of simplify 3d and what do you think about it ? I saw there is a new version.
thanks for your answers

I’m not using it myself, but I saw some reviews from people like Angus Deveson (Maker’s Muse) & Joel Telling (The 3D Printing Nerd), who stated to have had very positive experience with this slicer.

You should look those video’s up, Simplify 3D has been reviewed by quite a few of these guys & their videos are all over youtube.

Thing is, of course, you’d need to configure it all manually. But then, the results may well be worth it. It certainly is a very interesting slicer with excellent features.

I’m using this software, very nice and very easy to use.
U can adapt your own support where you want and they are very easy to take off without breaking the printed part.
Also, a very usefull action, you can define full parameters for each millimeter of your printing !!! exemple : the 3 first layers at 100 infill and 0,3mm height, from 3 to 10 mm, you can use infill at 20% and 0,2 mm height, etc… it’s very usefull.
Honestly, the simplify3d team did a great job.
But, the print time is not very exact, if you need to know how much time your print needs, you have to open gcode file in cura or another slicer to get the real print time.
I’m very happy of my investment
Voilà :slight_smile:

hello tag and Harry_d
thanks for your answers
i think i am going to buy it

Salut Jean Michel,
franchement tu ne regretteras pas ton investissement, c’est un soft avec un bon rapport qualité prix, certains trouvent qu’il est cher, mais je trouve que pour le travail que l’équipe a fait et les fonctionnalités que le soft offre, ce n’est pas si onéreux que çà.
Le truc agaçant, c’est l’estimation du temps d’impression, ça va pour les petites pièces, mais parfois il y a plus de 2 heures de différence par rapport à la réalité. Donc, exporter le gcode et l’importer dans cura permet d’avoir une meilleure estimation, c’est comme je le disais, Agaçant LOL.
De plus, l’équipe support est très réactive quand tu es vraiment bloqué et que tu ne trouves pas la solution sur le forum. Il y a un lien sur le site pour te permettre de résoudre les petits soucis de paramétrage pour avoir de belles impressions, voilà, je pense beaucoup de bien de ce soft comme tant d’autres.
Bonnes impressions :slight_smile:

I use simplify 3D as well, and it’s definitely worth it if you like to improve your print quality, and customize your prints even further like Tag already explained.

I stopped using cura, slic3r, … This software costs indeed a bit, but I’ll say buy it!

merci à tous pour vos réponses
thanks every one for your aswers,
they are very useful!!!
elles me sont très utiles
bonnes impressions!
have good print!
jean michel

I bought this the very first day after I saw, what the other tools are doing and how they have to be setup and all this stuff.
Bought S3D, used it and it works… Superb support, fast reaction time, decent information.

They got a K8400 - 2 hotends setup in the wizard.
So all set for start.
I cannot use it since I use E3D but you can setup almost everything

Love that software.


hello frank
thanks for your answer, your opinion is very useful!!!
good print !!and probably to soon for other questions