Show Firmware Version


I have updated (2x) the Firmware from V1 to V2. In Arduino show all correct after the update without errors. The Prog Jumper was closed and I had resetted at end.

But in Repetier it shows the same…

11:48:20.021 : FIRMWARE_NAME:Marlin V1; Sprinter/grbl mashup for gen6 FIRMWARE_URL: PROTOCOL_VERSION:1.0 MACHINE_TYPE:K8200 EXTRUDER_COUNT:1

It so or have I an error?

Thanks for reading and regards


I have updated (2x) the Firmware from V1 to V2. In Arduino show all correct after the update without errors. The Prog Jumper was closed and I had resetted at end.

But in Repetier it shows the same…

11:48:20.021 : FIRMWARE_NAME:Marlin V1; Sprinter/grbl mashup for gen6 FIRMWARE_URL: PROTOCOL_VERSION:1.0 MACHINE_TYPE:K8200 EXTRUDER_COUNT:1

It so or have I an error?

Thanks for reading and regards[/quote]

That’s normal.
The Firmware name is hardcoded in several places for every language, so they simply left it unchanged.

Thanks for your reply. I had think it is so but not found the correctly positon(s) in the firmware files for a change to try to see the correct version.

No I am relived.

[quote=“Picaflor”]Thanks for your reply. I had think it is so but not found the correctly positon(s) in the firmware files for a change to try to see the correct version.

No I am relived.[/quote]

It is placed in the language.h file.
All languages have the same string, so you could simply do a search and replace to fix it.
That way you will be sure.



[quote]It is placed in the language.h file.
All languages have the same string, so you could simply do a search and replace to fix it.
That way you will be sure.



Many thanks Christian, now i can see the correct version in Repetier.

Have a nice day.

You’re welcome!

