Settings to measure Field Strength Intensity on PCSGU250

Great instrument , Great Forum

Please let me know which setup should I use to measure Field Strength in mv/m or any relative close value in mW/Cm2 or dBų units of electric field strength; prefered frequency is 500Khz to 1700Khz.

I figure it out that by using a Loop Square Antenna of 24" with a tune selectivity Capacitor could bring the singnal upto desired values of in the range of 10mv for the scope. I’m thinking also the aproach of amplify as much as its requiered by using the Ad8307.

Any sugestions

Best regards


Used a tuned loop antenna made of TV RG-6 coaxial cable shielded. 60cm diameter (around 2 feet), 14 turns evenly spaced (10cm-4" width). The axial(inner conductor) is the sampler for the Scope probe; one end of the axial is the ground and the other end the tip (in spectrum analyzer mode). The shield is used for tuning purposes with a series Variable capacitor according to frequency band, in my case I used a variable of a 2pF to 32pF and it gave me good results to do fine frequency selection from 1500khz to 1710khz.

Now I’m using the spectral density dB volts/sqrt(hz) to have a relative measure of field intensity in V/m with not much luck, the values measured does not seems to agree or have a visible difference when measured from 1km distance or 2Km faraway.

Please let me know for a possible power density values /scale on the spectrum analyzer.
