I was running a print job last night while I was out (I know - probably shouldn’t do that!). Anyway I arrived home to find the job stopped in the middle, heaters still going. My Wiin10 machine which I have only been using for a couple of days (the previous Win 7 machine suffered a hard disk failure) seems to have done an automatic update and reboot - Vertex Repetier wasn’t running as it had been when I left the house.
Trying to get the kit running again this morning I am getting “Serial com error: System.IO.Ports.SerialErrorReceivedEventsArgs”.
I get this when connecting the printer - the icon turns green. (And I can click again and it turns red.)
On the computer side the COM port 6 settings are
Bits per second: 115200
Data bits: 8
Parity: None
Stop bits: 1
Flow control: None
On the Vertex printer configuration I have
Com 6
Baud rate: 115200
Transfer protocol: Automatic
Reset on Emergency: Send Emergency command
Receive Cache size: 127
Communication Timeout: 40s
(unticked) Use Ping-Pong communication.
I think these are the same settings as when the kit was working.
Although I had Repetier Server installed on the same machine I had stopped it (and have since uninstalled it) I have been using the USB/serial connection. All was working OK until last night. I am pretty confident it was a Win10 update that caused the failure last night as the updater log shows updates were made some time yesterday - also unlikely to have been a power failure or surge as I have a UPS powering both the Vertex and computer.
Grateful for any suggestion for a fix or further trouble-shooting.