Serial port error

I was running a print job last night while I was out (I know - probably shouldn’t do that!). Anyway I arrived home to find the job stopped in the middle, heaters still going. My Wiin10 machine which I have only been using for a couple of days (the previous Win 7 machine suffered a hard disk failure) seems to have done an automatic update and reboot - Vertex Repetier wasn’t running as it had been when I left the house.

Trying to get the kit running again this morning I am getting “Serial com error: System.IO.Ports.SerialErrorReceivedEventsArgs”.
I get this when connecting the printer - the icon turns green. (And I can click again and it turns red.)

On the computer side the COM port 6 settings are
Bits per second: 115200
Data bits: 8
Parity: None
Stop bits: 1
Flow control: None

On the Vertex printer configuration I have
Com 6
Baud rate: 115200
Transfer protocol: Automatic
Reset on Emergency: Send Emergency command
Receive Cache size: 127
Communication Timeout: 40s
(unticked) Use Ping-Pong communication.

I think these are the same settings as when the kit was working.

Although I had Repetier Server installed on the same machine I had stopped it (and have since uninstalled it) I have been using the USB/serial connection. All was working OK until last night. I am pretty confident it was a Win10 update that caused the failure last night as the updater log shows updates were made some time yesterday - also unlikely to have been a power failure or surge as I have a UPS powering both the Vertex and computer.

Grateful for any suggestion for a fix or further trouble-shooting.


I think your settings are off.
These are mine from version 1.0.6 of Repetier.
This is the one hat is modified for the K8400

After rereading your post.

I have had a couple of devices do that as well.
It turns out that after the update and reboot the drivers were gone.
You may need to reload the drivers as well.

Hi Wrong_Way - thanks for your two replies.

I replaced the hard drive in the Win7 machine and after the usual hassle to reinstall OS and software have it now operating the Vertex just fine again.

I spent some time with the Win10 machine and despite reinstalling the Repetier software and USB./Serial device drivers still couldn’t get it to work. Seems the Win10 updates have completely wrecked this machine for Vertex use.

Never mind - all’s well that ends well.

Glad to hear it’s up and running again.
It’s really strange that reinstalling the drivers didn’t help.
Got to love Microsoft.

After you installed the software did you go back and check the printer settings?
