The fault of the day:
The card reader does not work, but it works with Repetier
With a new SD card I find the file to print BUT THE TEMPERATURE NEVER RISE,
I tried a preheat for the filament, and very strange thing the preheating is done well only when the position of the head is approximately in media in the Z axis.
Maybe a short-cut
Now I know that the cartridge + thermistor works well
When an impression is requested, the head makes a reset on the X / Y / Z axes and there it does not heat any more, Maybe a short-cut but I checked and find nothing
I checked the continuity of all cables between the head and the motherboard, even / especially at different positions X / Y / Z without finding a break / fshort-cut / discontinuity (otherwise it will never heat!).
I used OCTOPRINT for a long time, but I missed a lot of impressions and I find RASPBERRY unstable, difficult to stop it, re install too often
After reading the forum it will appear that after +/- 2 years of operation quite a lot of K8400 have encountered this problem with the SD card because of all the vibrations.
I think it’s a good machine, but like our French cars: expensive in maintenance and spare parts, it’s a way to make money for them.
you really have to be retired for all these manipulations.
I ordered an SD card reader and LCD support for vertex K8400, I will tell you the result.
Question: If I disconnect the display and SD card to communicate only by cable what happens? is it possible ?
If you have any information about this failure I am very interested.
I don’t fully understand your problem: Card reader does not work but with repetier.
So what is your configuration: printing from card reader as stand-alone printer or connected by USB too?
It works when Repetier is providing the gcode?
I got a SD card damaged by the usage with the K8400 too (my preferred mode of operation!). It can happen however. But you may check another issue: The K8400 has a voltage regulator for the power supply, but can be powered by the USB port only. To decouple both sources Si diodes are between the power supply and the core power line (D5 and D6 in the schematic). Since these are Si diodes the voltage on the CPU core drops down to 4.3 V, while 4.5V is specified as the minimum supply voltage from ATMEL. So you are operating always in a critical condition, with some degradation of the parts over the time this can become worse and can lead to strange behaviors.
In this condition the printer can react very sensitive on disturbances coming from the USB line showing some unstable behavior too.
I have observed errors coming from both conditions. Therefore I have replaced the SI diodes by schottky diodes, achieving a supply voltage of 4.7V on the CPU core while maintaining the decoupling of the power sources.
It still can be an issue with cabling and connections. From what I have seen from the schematics and firmware the K8400 should be usable without LCD. However, you may check the log file in Repetier which may give you some additional hints what may go wrong.
So you may check these issues too, maybe you will find a hint to the basic problem.
You understand well, it works with REPETIER and not with an SD card.
But like you, I really prefer to use the SD alone.
The lack of power can explain the bad behavior of OCTOPRINT and RASPBERRY and it is a shame.
I ordered spare parts and I will replace them, I will keep the forum informed for the result.
Thank you for response and interest.
I changed the board that supported the SD card , everything is in order now.
I also changed the filamant pulley, it’s better too
I think it was a problem of welds and vibrations,
It is important to have a stock of spares parts to use this printer, it costs a little money.