Hey guys,
I was just wondering if anyone has tried to use a material like ninjaflex on their vertex 3D printers? If there are any filaments similar to this, can you let me know and tell me how well they print?
Hey guys,
I was just wondering if anyone has tried to use a material like ninjaflex on their vertex 3D printers? If there are any filaments similar to this, can you let me know and tell me how well they print?
Biscuitlad has done a lot of successful experiments with filaflex. Check this post : http://forum.velleman.eu/viewtopic.php?p=65547#p65547 or search for the word “filaflex”.
Thanks for the link - looks pretty successful. Has anyone else had success with rubber-like filaments?
I’ve not tried printing rubber, but I have just come across this video on YouTube showing the use of Sugru and 3D printed mold. Might be easier than trying to extrude rubber filaments?
I have tried to print with ninjaflex semiflex with Marlark’s feeder (thingiverse.com/thing:967475), and I got very good results, the flow was pretty regular and the overall quality was good. The only problem I had was that ninjaflex sticked too well (I used heated bed @60°C) and when I removed the part it ruined my Buildtak, so i think it’s better to not use heated bed.
Thanks for the videos and recommendations - they’ve all been great! I was just wondering what settings did you use for the ninjaflex semiflex - and wether anyone has tried it with the original printbed?
Vertex single head (default settings), speed about 48 mm/s, temperature 220°C, flow it doesn’t matter, fan on. Be careful on retraction, disable it if it’s possible or set a low speed. One good alternative to Heated bed is to use a pla raft if you have the double head version of the printer (I tried it and it works very well).
Thanks - I’ll certainly give it a go. Do you have a photo of the semiflex?
Thanks for the pic - looks really good! Think I’ll try that with the PLA raft.
Hi just a little question about the feeder from thingiverse. Can I build it in PLA or do I have to use ABS? will PLA be strong enough?
As long PLA stays cold (Below 40°C) PLA will be more rigid than ABS. Which is better. But if you have your printer in an enclosure where heat accumulates you should think of printing it in ABS.
Kind regards
I have printed mine in PLA and I have no problems.
Cheers, GP
PLA becomes brittle over time (one year) and will break sooner or later.
I just finished my first print with FLEX1000. Results were quite acceptable after some trials.
The major problem I found was the feed disturbance at the extruder. The filament must slide without remarkable obstacles through the whole bowden. I’m using a modified extruder housing http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1133248, where the alignment of the filament is improved. Nevertheless, the knick force of the filament is very low, so too much pressure at the extruder will result in a knick and mostly a twisting of the filament in the extruder housing.
To avoid this problem I reduced the print speed to 10mm/s.
The other parameters:
Temperature: 225°C
Layer: 0.12mm
Infill: 10% (was too less, could not be bridged by the material)
Standard nozzle 0.35mm
Standard printbed without heatbed but with BuildTak foil (very good adhesion!)
No retraction